  • Move on nigga damn lmaoo

  • Feb 3
    1 reply

  • Mmm Hmm 🔒
    Feb 3
    2 replies

    Your only disability is being an a******

    Can’t tell if this post is serious or if you’re pulling my leg because I just logged on and I have no idea what y’all talking about

  • bMass28 🤰🏻
    Feb 3

    Thread needs an album listen

  • Feb 3
    2 replies

    Your only disability is being an a******

    Imma steal that s*** for one of my songs unironically

  • Feb 3
    1 reply

    is that kehlani

  • Feb 3
    1 reply
    Mmm Hmm

    Can’t tell if this post is serious or if you’re pulling my leg because I just logged on and I have no idea what y’all talking about

    Is tht what it comes down to

  • Feb 3
    1 reply

    Been studying for like 3 hours. Shrimp scampi time

  • bMass28 🤰🏻
    Feb 3
    Mmm Hmm

    Can’t tell if this post is serious or if you’re pulling my leg because I just logged on and I have no idea what y’all talking about

    copy pasta

  • Feb 3
    1 reply

    A quick goodbye to the most hateful, hurtful, nasty place I could ever imagine on the internet. KTT2. It has been a horrible experience from day one. So many haters and no way to stop them. It's just a horrible, terrible place with endless drama that ended up making me dread just sitting at my own computer. So good riddance KTT2. You have failed. I for one, will never be back.

  • Sub posting and s*** lmfaoooo

  • Feb 3
    1 reply
    Ariana Spice

    is that kehlani



    A quick goodbye to the most hateful, hurtful, nasty place I could ever imagine on the internet. KTT2. It has been a horrible experience from day one. So many haters and no way to stop them. It's just a horrible, terrible place with endless drama that ended up making me dread just sitting at my own computer. So good riddance KTT2. You have failed. I for one, will never be back.

  • xxxkiraxxx


    she so fine

  • ________

    Been studying for like 3 hours. Shrimp scampi time

    Teach me

  • Feb 3
    2 replies

    Imma steal that s*** for one of my songs unironically

    Immediately cancelled for ableism

  • bMass28 🤰🏻
    Feb 3

    Imma steal that s*** for one of my songs unironically

    we gon make it out the hood

  • Mmm Hmm 🔒
    Feb 3
    1 reply
    BIG early

    Is tht what it comes down to


    Deadass. You are probably the meanest person in here, idk why some people give Wesley that designation when you deserve it. You are just so grumpy and a devil worshipper, and just really smelly cuz it old af.
    Even in your highest moments of life, you always take it out on ur friends. You always whine and ask people to feel badly for you. You are just a horrible human tbh. Man, you’re a piece of s***. I would NEVER trust you with anything. I can just tell that you’re a naturally bad person, just inbred, without trying.
    You feel shallow and you seem to have a refined ability to handle stress in a s***ty way by s***posting on this site everyday and it's unhealthy, even if it doesn’t seem that way to you always. I can tell.
    I can’t think of a single good thing to say about you. I hope my kids spit on a person like you.

  • Feb 3
    1 reply

    Immediately cancelled for ableism

    anyone who hates weeknd is abelist

  • Feb 3
    1 reply

    Immediately cancelled for ableism

    That doesn’t work when I’m disabled

  • bMass28 🤰🏻
    Feb 3
    1 reply
    Ariana Spice

    anyone who hates weeknd is abelist

    We can play a Weeknd owbum

  • Presleysthesis

    That doesn’t work when I’m disabled

    Where’s your car hangtag

  • Feb 3
    1 reply
    Mmm Hmm


    Deadass. You are probably the meanest person in here, idk why some people give Wesley that designation when you deserve it. You are just so grumpy and a devil worshipper, and just really smelly cuz it old af.
    Even in your highest moments of life, you always take it out on ur friends. You always whine and ask people to feel badly for you. You are just a horrible human tbh. Man, you’re a piece of s***. I would NEVER trust you with anything. I can just tell that you’re a naturally bad person, just inbred, without trying.
    You feel shallow and you seem to have a refined ability to handle stress in a s***ty way by s***posting on this site everyday and it's unhealthy, even if it doesn’t seem that way to you always. I can tell.
    I can’t think of a single good thing to say about you. I hope my kids spit on a person like you.

    I really hate the fact that for the rest of my tenure on here imma be associated with devil worship and as much as I try to ignore it and let y’all get your jokes off, it hurts me because I’d never look at any of you as inferior to me based on religion…

  • Feb 3
    1 reply

    I could’ve reported that one post for the record and gotten her a nice mute but I don’t report people in this thread.

  • Feb 3
    1 reply
