  • frenchpress

    do you expect us to believe that you were counting accurately after even 15 shots

    It was one night back in my alcoholic era

  • frenchpress

    anyway if i have more than 11 shots i'm dying on the dance floor heart rate 180 type beat

    Bro it wasa house party

  • frenchpress

    u afraid of ur own mind? it's over for you

    He schizo af. He got kodak spice blocked

  • ·
    1 reply

    ok i was kinda self concious about my answer thinking its bad

    isnt that hospital or death territory tho? u mean really like that many shots worth or counting lot of weaker drinks or what

    also being hammered and making 42 different tally marks on your skin is funny

    Every drink I tallied marked

    If i drank a truly or a beer, that was a tally mark

    If i drank a shot its a tally mark

    Yes i did that

    u gotta remember that altho i mite be a stoner now, I was a college student drinkin

  • And btw @rvi if any ktt hater ever comes at u, feel freee to tag me. I would kill for u tbh

  • Like Tbh

    @bruises I would kill for u too tbh

    My whole point is Anyone itt who has always kept it real w me. I would deadass Kill any opp who hating. tbh

  • rvi 🔋
    1 reply
    Kodak Spice

    Every drink I tallied marked

    If i drank a truly or a beer, that was a tally mark

    If i drank a shot its a tally mark

    Yes i did that

    u gotta remember that altho i mite be a stoner now, I was a college student drinkin

    i know i know but 42 is 42

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    1 reply

    i know i know but 42 is 42

    i got receipts if u wanna add me on sum else

  • Also @rvi Dont feel bad for ur reply to me. U are fully allowed to express ur free judgment against my actions. i trust u that much

  • rvi 🔋
    1 reply
    Kodak Spice

    i got receipts if u wanna add me on sum else

    so u threw up right

  • frenchpress

    cus i dont


  • ·
    1 reply

    so u threw up right

    Im a big puker. But tbh can u me ur discord?

  • rvi 🔋
    1 reply
    Kodak Spice

    Im a big puker. But tbh can u me ur discord?

    dm me here are u gonna send a pic of ur tally marks?

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    1 reply

    dm me here are u gonna send a pic of ur tally marks?

    I mite, if u add me on discord

  • But bro didnt dm me

  • All respect to rvi tho

  • if i see someone slander @rvi on ktt i will reply w a bannable reply

  • On god

  • I got ur back @rvi I will Get banned for u

  • rvi 🔋
    1 reply
    Kodak Spice

    I mite, if u add me on discord


  • rvi


    I like having friends outside of this platform, just in case they cancel me

    Also i want friends tbh lol <3 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

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    3 replies

    @rvi i know ur british and we defeated u in the revolutionary war but i put that s*** behind us tbh

  • But i respect ur decision !

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    Whatever If any of u slander me i stg

  • Like literallt