the key is to get the right iphone and stick with it for 5 years minimum
I'm glad ur smart
so u can be too high to care
am 2 drunk 2 curr
Keep buying them iPhones like ppl tht buy a call of duty game every year
I buy a phone once every 5 years
4-5 years
hey echisyndrome
It’s f***ing hilarious (not really) that my coworker tried to play wing woman and hook me up with women that I have 0 attraction to. I feel like it’s just to entertain herself at this point
“Well I wanT you to be with someone” how about you just have s***with me and get this whole thing over with
Anyways I haven’t came in like 3 days and life stinks rn
Well have u tried making a move on her chip
Why u doing nofap
4-5 years
Slowly building a template on Logic Pro. I just created some reverb presets to include in it. Very exciting stuff fellas.
Slowly building a template on Logic Pro. I just created some reverb presets to include in it. Very exciting stuff fellas.
How far are u along on ur project?
How far are u along on ur project?
going from 12 mini to 15 pro max was the biggest upgrade i’ve ever made in my phone career
Who’s calling my phone…who’s calling my phone….
Great camera
It’s a monstrosity
You wanna make a house beat with me
The drums could b like
Boom k chshhh k chshhh boom k chshhh k chsshhh
It's all about the frequency dude.
Some thick keys that go like
Dun dun
When can we hear it?
Maybe throw a lawn mower on there at the drop
Like rrrrnnnNNNNNNNNNMN rr-rr---rrRRRNNNNNN
Download some recordings from that site that has the final recording from pilots before they crashed a plane and put some of those on there
Hey nerds there's a new avatar show otw
Maybe throw a lawn mower on there at the drop
Like rrrrnnnNNNNNNNNNMN rr-rr---rrRRRNNNNNN
Download some recordings from that site that has the final recording from pilots before they crashed a plane and put some of those on there
Ooh taking my like back I did not see the pilot part. Very supportive of the lawnmower noises
Ooh taking my like back I did not see the pilot part. Very supportive of the lawnmower noises
I'm sorry
Real af