I know like 3 people itt genuinely think i think think this and im gonna let it be
They make me so uncomfortable i f***ing hate belly buttons. I feel sick when i touch my own.
Outties are worse than innies
@op probably got so self conscious after reading “belly” and before reading “button”
In my own? I have to shower because i cant like touch it.
In somebody else’s? Thats their problem theyre cleaning it up
Have u never cleaned your belly button?? Like dug it out. Cuz there is build up in there let me tell ya
@op probably got so self conscious after reading “belly” and before reading “button”
Have u never cleaned your belly button?? Like dug it out. Cuz there is build up in there let me tell ya
Mine is an almost parallel to my stomach. It’s not an outie but it’s not really an innie. So i can go over my stomach with a cloth quick and it reaches it. I dont have any lint or anything in there
My dad cut my umbilical cord and f***ed it up
Mine is an almost parallel to my stomach. It’s not an outie but it’s not really an innie. So i can go over my stomach with a cloth quick and it reaches it. I dont have any lint or anything in there
My dad cut my umbilical cord and f***ed it up
Likely story
Have u never cleaned your belly button?? Like dug it out. Cuz there is build up in there let me tell ya
Likely story
I shower like twice a day and wash my hands until they crack! No way im going like that
@Kdogone @YungPapi
thank you for the help @Echiham
@Echiham explain?
Me getting ready to ask girlie tmr if we still down for sat when i kno dam well its a ghost
Me getting ready to ask girlie tmr if we still down for sat when i kno dam well its a ghost
Me getting ready to ask girlie tmr if we still down for sat when i kno dam well its a ghost
just wait for her to text you
Me getting ready to ask girlie tmr if we still down for sat when i kno dam well its a ghost
Stay at home, Tell her youll pay her 5000 dollars to come to a restaurant, when she gets there block her
Stay at home, Tell her youll pay her 5000 dollars to come to a restaurant, when she gets there block her
Maybe not though
excited to pop my girl's piggies in my mouth for the first time
It’s wholesome to see this as a longtime Vz user
I saw Camille go through a really rough time when I was going through mine so it’s good to see him win
@Echiham explain?
Found my alt!
Stay at home, Tell her youll pay her 5000 dollars to come to a restaurant, when she gets there block her
good idea