There’s a funny ass scene where the female lead is like “I like your pants… where’d you get them?” and he super awkwardly just says ahathey’rejustnormalpants 🙂
It's funnier because you know he definitely cares about his pants a lot
There’s a funny ass scene where the female lead is like “I like your pants… where’d you get them?” and he super awkwardly just says ahathey’rejustnormalpants 🙂
@ryder move
Ok when is a good time to start?
ill get back to you on this momentarily
At first JFK is like ouchie
Then they blow his f***ing head off holy
First shot would’ve been extremely painful nevertheless, it went into his throat.
The bi monthly semi h**** jfk discourse itt 🤝
Few things make the bench press more fun to do than when the sexy girl I only sorta know from my last job decides to do squats rite behind me
@ryder listening to wichita lineman because of ur dolly post
glen campbell?
The bi monthly semi h**** jfk discourse itt 🤝
Purrp making it sound like we’re all lusting for JFK now
First shot would’ve been extremely painful nevertheless, it went into his throat.
the back brace killed him because the force of the shot would've knocked him down but it was steel and he couldn't move in it which allowed lee harvey to dot him
First shot would’ve been extremely painful nevertheless, it went into his throat.
Video is crazy bc you see Jackie being like ??? are you good then BLAM
the back brace killed him because the force of the shot would've knocked him down but it was steel and he couldn't move in it which allowed lee harvey to dot him
Holy s*** I had no idea
He probably would’ve survived if it wasn’t for the back brace
the back brace killed him because the force of the shot would've knocked him down but it was steel and he couldn't move in it which allowed lee harvey to dot him
Doctor was in on it
Video is crazy bc you see Jackie being like ??? are you good then BLAM
I wonder if in the back of her mind she thought “serves you right, you cheating b******”.
Purrp making it sound like we’re all lusting for JFK now
Jackie or jack
Pick one
Video is crazy bc you see Jackie being like ??? are you good then BLAM
I have a personal theory as to who killed JFK
I wonder if in the back of her mind she thought “serves you right, you cheating b******”.
I think she was more like in horror and shock bruh
I have a personal theory as to who killed JFK
The planner thread
I think she was more like in horror and shock bruh
But like on the low tho