  • Br00ses 🐣
    1 reply

    Also we literally saw homelander cut a dude in half and Ryan smile at it

    What's with that

    Did he just change his mind

  • Purrp

    AOC stand in being badder than AOC

    Huge facts

  • Purrp 🌚
    1 reply

    Also we literally saw homelander cut a dude in half and Ryan smile at it

    What's with that

    Did he just change his mind

    When you find out Ryan is a twin irl

    Unrelated to the boys just strange

  • Huge ET fan

    Im making money rn goat not Spanish grinding

    even better

    go get that bag rey

  • Chip Skylark

    lol no it’s delta 8 or 9 gummies but I mistake

    i have no clue what that means

  • Br00ses 🐣
    2 replies

    When you find out Ryan is a twin irl

    Unrelated to the boys just strange

    My hot take is that butcher is just as bad as homelander as a character

    He wants to destroy every supe basically because a bad thing happened to him and he used that to justify doing bad guy stuff

    Homelander hates people because he spent his entire childhood being tortured and he uses that to justify doing bad guy stuff

  • Br00ses

    My hot take is that butcher is just as bad as homelander as a character

    He wants to destroy every supe basically because a bad thing happened to him and he used that to justify doing bad guy stuff

    Homelander hates people because he spent his entire childhood being tortured and he uses that to justify doing bad guy stuff

    I think that this isn’t too uncommon

    They showed him actively picking his agenda over the Boys

  • @camille NBA Centel is the #1 trending topic in the USA because he got banned

    him being the most talked thing about in the united states is brazy

  • ·
    1 reply


    ngl she actually looks good here

    she is giving "im h****" energy there

  • Highkey I really need to buy a Melodics Subscription, so I can practice Piano by learning songs like it's a game.

  • Purrp 🌚
    3 replies

    My hot take is that butcher is just as bad as homelander as a character

    He wants to destroy every supe basically because a bad thing happened to him and he used that to justify doing bad guy stuff

    Homelander hates people because he spent his entire childhood being tortured and he uses that to justify doing bad guy stuff

    Butcher sucks ass but is human

    Homelander not human in the same way

    Homelander most interesting character but idk if he’s necessarily my fav

    (i don’t even particularly care about any of the boys. Kimiko is cool but I don’t really care about her story. MM is a b****. Starlight is annoying as f***. Hughie is a b****)

  • Br00ses 🐣
    1 reply

    Butcher sucks ass but is human

    Homelander not human in the same way

    Homelander most interesting character but idk if he’s necessarily my fav

    (i don’t even particularly care about any of the boys. Kimiko is cool but I don’t really care about her story. MM is a b****. Starlight is annoying as f***. Hughie is a b****)

    Frenchie is the best character in the entire show


    ngl she actually looks good here

    she is giving "im h****" energy there

    The white leggings and the less done up make up

  • Prez 💎
    1 reply

    @Extraterrestrial need to finalize the rules as well.

    Option A: no performing artists can appear more than twice regardless of solo, group, duo or feature.

    Option B: primary artists can be used 2X maximum but if an artist has a feature or another group/duo they can appear a third time (no more than 3 for anyone tho)

    I’m fine either way. A will force us into more unique artists. B would allow a tad more repeats on features and collabs

  • Huge bmass Fan

    21 Park Lane Circle


  • Purrp 🌚
    1 reply

    Frenchie is the best character in the entire show

    It’s hard to root for any of them

    Frenchie I don’t mind but his story in s4 was annoying and dumb

  • ·
    1 reply

    Butcher sucks ass but is human

    Homelander not human in the same way

    Homelander most interesting character but idk if he’s necessarily my fav

    (i don’t even particularly care about any of the boys. Kimiko is cool but I don’t really care about her story. MM is a b****. Starlight is annoying as f***. Hughie is a b****)

    Homelanders biggest issue with himself is that there’s a human aspect to him

    But I see what you mean

    he’s that terrible and broken lol

  • ·
    2 replies

    Hot girls don’t exist


    who’s hot then

  • Br00ses 🐣
    1 reply

    It’s hard to root for any of them

    Frenchie I don’t mind but his story in s4 was annoying and dumb

    That's why I'm mad about it

    Frenchie and kimiko are the two best characters and they completely mishandled them

  • Purrp 🌚
    1 reply
    Huge ET fan

    Homelanders biggest issue with himself is that there’s a human aspect to him

    But I see what you mean

    he’s that terrible and broken lol

    Yeah like his issue is him being human in that he’s prob dying/ aging and he hates it. Also doesn’t understand human emotion but apart from that isn’t actually human like a butcher type

  • ·
    2 replies

    Dam there’s this girl today that works at the souvenir stop next to us and I can’t stop staring at her its like looking at an art piece in the louvre

  • Purrp 🌚

    That's why I'm mad about it

    Frenchie and kimiko are the two best characters and they completely mishandled them

    I will rant about it when you finish the season

    We will have the same rant tbh

  • ·
    1 reply

    @Extraterrestrial need to finalize the rules as well.

    Option A: no performing artists can appear more than twice regardless of solo, group, duo or feature.

    Option B: primary artists can be used 2X maximum but if an artist has a feature or another group/duo they can appear a third time (no more than 3 for anyone tho)

    I’m fine either way. A will force us into more unique artists. B would allow a tad more repeats on features and collabs

    I’m happy with A but idc either way

  • Mmm Hmm 😆
    Huge ET fan

    French actively being with some dude after knowingly killing his parents

    Sht was stupid af