Yellow brick road
It’s the best of the goofy songs but it’s still not a very good song
Just sold Wes stock
Won't do it f*** you
it's like memeing fack into a good song
im just not gonna play it like that lol
No one responds to me when I ask
Does anyone in this thread watch movies? Would yall care to watch movies with your online buddies??
What time?
what abt 7pm
OP is Rain Man
OP is Rain Man
Still haven't seen the movie
One day
rain man.. TONIGHT!
Sure. I’ll check in with you closer to then
it's like memeing fack into a good song
im just not gonna play it like that lol
When I was 12 a guy in 2k pissed me off so I played fack through my headset and got him to ragequit #funfact
rain man.. TONIGHT!
What time
I'm ready
Tom cruise is goated
Haven't seen any of the mission impossibles 😎
Not that one
Tom cruise is goated
top 3 cruise films GO!
Haven't seen any of the mission impossibles 😎
Neither have I
Nort too influential
But it won’t be rain Man
Which one
Haven't seen any of the mission impossibles 😎
funnest film series ever I promise you