Cues up that 2008 Mariah Carey song
If i speak I am in big trouble
Please dont
don’t remember it!
If i speak I am in big trouble
Slander his recent s*** but Take Care a classic
Fastest delete i swear to God outside of the Chicago song
don’t remember it!
Dude stop
Dude stop
You're dumb and everyone should hate you dude
i enjoyed teenage fever at the time but uh
Man that song ain’t got nothing to do with that be fr
You're dumb and everyone should hate you dude
Im serious Im gonna lose it
Top 3
Real af
The difference is I’m not one of the newer users in this thread
I’ve seen what everyone has had to say about this topic
Makes it even more crazy u tryna paint me as a drake stan
U know who is the actual one i literally like every song
Man that song ain’t got nothing to do with that be fr
i know but like its hard not to think about it
Man that song ain’t got nothing to do with that be fr
J.LO's sampled lifeless vocals being the worst part of it.
i enjoyed teenage fever at the time but uh
Get ur f***ing head out the gutter
Nothing's into somethings is a classic too
Im serious Im gonna lose it
I was just at your grandmother's nursing home and they were all complaining about how often you visit
Top 3
Real af
DLDT is what I imagine a Drake album where he wasn’t super focused on appealing to everyone would sound kinda like
I like it alot just some nice tracks and kept it moving
Get ur f***ing head out the gutter
Nothing's into somethings is a classic too
is that a song off ml?
DLDT is what I imagine a Drake album where he wasn’t super focused on appealing to everyone would sound kinda like
I like it alot just some nice tracks and kept it moving
I love deep pockets too
I will hold my tongue out of respect.
Im with u
I dont play half of take care in 2025
Society has moved on from that album
is that a song off ml?
I was just at your grandmother's nursing home and they were all complaining about how often you visit
why were you at my grandmothers nursing home