Classic except for KiD CuDi's guest appearance and DJ Akademiks's vocal sample.
(Listened to it today.)
Motm1 is the best Cudi album
I actually really like Kid cudi feat
Metamorphosis is top 5
I feel like Morpheus I feel like Morpheus
My favs still in his first 6 run
LR, Yeezus, Grad
I lowkey rate LR lower than most but it’s still a 10/10 anyways
I lowkey rate LR lower than most but it’s still a 10/10 anyways
Motm1 is the best Cudi album
Motm1 is the best Cudi album
Could accept MOTM2 as an answer also tho
I feel like Morpheus I feel like Morpheus
I lowkey rate LR lower than most but it’s still a 10/10 anyways
It’s prob gonna fall from the number 1 spot for me soon ngl
I'd like him to shut up perpetually.
Thread went from drake talk
And now i see kanye talk
@op nuke it
Kdoggy was right
It’s prob gonna fall from the number 1 spot for me soon ngl
love the orchestration but outside of that I’ll take CD over it
passionate from miles away
love the orchestration but outside of that I’ll take CD over it
This is like picking a favorite child
Literally his magnum opus.
Tbf he has three albums
I still like take care a lot but I rarely run it front to back or want to
Idk it’s still a classic album and unlike Kendrick his newer music isn’t filling the void
I’ll always think very highly of that album and era
I didn’t run Take Care into the ground like I did GKMC so it’s not the same for me, but I can see why you feel that way.
Tbf he has three albums
Tbh, two albums and one mixtape.