what vz is this?
conscious rap vz gangsta rap
We should stop thinking about race so much as a population is my opinion. People are just people
whitest take i've ever read
here is my take on white people having black people as their avatar:
on a regular forum/reddit/whatever, i think it is weird and can come off like youre trying to present as black.
but on a hip-hop forum i feel like it's okay bc this forum is specifically made to focus on a black art form. yes i have a black artist in my avy but this is a forum about black artists (mainly).
curious to hear your guys perspective on this. all viewpoints welcome
I don't think it's that deep
People just make their avis celebrities, artists, stuff etc that they like
They like black artists
I don't see it as though that's like them trying to pretend to be black
We should stop thinking about race so much as a population is my opinion. People are just people
This is also pretty easy to say for a white person though
When I was younger I felt that way a bit then I realized it's slightly unrealistic for people who are being persecuted based on their race
whitest take i've ever read
Sure but I’m happy I don’t have to think about whether or not it’s awkward to share that I enjoy peoples’s work based on their skin color
@KodakSpice blowing trump on his @crakc alt
This is also pretty easy to say for a white person though
When I was younger I felt that way a bit then I realized it's slightly unrealistic for people who are being persecuted based on their race
I mean, I’m talking purely in a positive sense. Walking on eggshells so people don’t accidentally think you’re faking being black seems like a crazy mindset to have to me
I don't think it's that deep
People just make their avis celebrities, artists, stuff etc that they like
They like black artists
I don't see it as though that's like them trying to pretend to be black
another white take
the only people who should be allowed answer questions on race are people of colour
another white take
the only people who should be allowed answer questions on race are people of colour
another white take
another white take
the only people who should be allowed answer questions on race are people of colour
If prez specified that he only wanted the opinions of people of color I wouldn't have shared
But he didn't
I finally found a gimmick, will continue to be the most annoying person in this thread
Get well soon, what tea you sippin for it?
Earl Grey, chamomile, Chinese black tea with oranges.
I don't think it's that deep
People just make their avis celebrities, artists, stuff etc that they like
They like black artists
I don't see it as though that's like them trying to pretend to be black
agreed (at least with me this is right - cant speak for other honkeys). but intention isnt always the only thing that matters.
this is not the first time someone has thought i was black online. i think it is primarily because i love rap, talk about rap and often enjoy having rappers as my avi
gotta cut back on the glazing
Hah, maybe so.
here is my take on white people having black people as their avatar:
on a regular forum/reddit/whatever, i think it is weird and can come off like youre trying to present as black.
but on a hip-hop forum i feel like it's okay bc this forum is specifically made to focus on a black art form. yes i have a black artist in my avy but this is a forum about black artists (mainly).
curious to hear your guys perspective on this. all viewpoints welcome
I don't think it's that deep if you just like a picture for ur avy
Earl Grey, chamomile, Chinese black tea with oranges.
you consider putting honey in em for your sore throat?
If prez specified that he only wanted the opinions of people of color I wouldn't have shared
But he didn't
it should go without saying
you consider putting honey in em for your sore throat?
I, for some reason, don't like honey in my tea.
Which is odd because I love honey otherwise.
it should go without saying
I will continue to share anyway
But I also think padybu isn't being serious
But my serious take is that I'll share anyway but anyone is welcome to disregard any opinion that they want to
crazy to see y'all get so brazen as soon as black history month is over
okay, i'll stop
You're a caterpillar
What do you even know about race
let me tell you a thing or 3 about this genre we call hip hop
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uq3syNck274classic owbum
first listened to it in 8th grade
takes me back