crazy fit
He looks hot.
This explains me liking Skate 1 over the Tony Hawk games, Tony ripped off Bruises!
Skate is just a better series
depends what u lookin 4 in a skating video game
In my opinion it's better is what I was saying
In my opinion it's better is what I was saying
i agree btw
Skate introduced me to dinosaur jr
And for that I will always love it
Fancy finance firm
Actual boys club
congrats croski
u done with school and still gor a roommate?
Sit in front of a Walmart and ask people for change for only a couple hours and everyone wants to assume you are homeless or something
When did society get so judgmental
Sit in front of a Walmart and ask people for change for only a couple hours and everyone wants to assume you are homeless or something
When did society get so judgmental
AD team wants him to sit out for the year
it's over
YO this is crazy
It’s wild that you’re real on the DL yfm
How do I get back lost aura
How do I get back lost aura
None of that lame half mohawk crap either
I couldn’t pull this off
Not with that mindset....
None of that lame half mohawk crap either
My hair is wavy, and sadly not awesome Mohawk material
My hair is wavy, and sadly not awesome Mohawk material
Pics of hair?