
    Btw great presention with the smileys

    Classic post

    Also i think u lowkey already bagged girl, she told u as friends but had a great time and opened up about her dangerous views, she playing hard to grt

    dangerous views

  • peen

  • Camille Golightly

    @Hndrxx_Free joop is built like shaq

    No fr why he so big

    Imagine if he had the work ethic

  • Camille Golightly

    @op @Extraterrestrial @ryder @sizz @Bruises @Kdogone @​YungPapi @Hndrxx_Free @​Uhhhhhh @KodakSpice @IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII

    Honorable Mentions

    @RVI as Hesh
    @Echiham as Artie Bucco
    @sab as Agent Harris

    Idk what any of this means but i hope im someone cool

  • ·
    2 replies

    Kodak pegs you?

    Bmass is def not Ade no matter how much he glazes

    Bro said he gets to be Ralphie

    How tf I end up Carmella

    Tell me is my character a W or an L

  • Camille Golightly

    @Hndrxx_Free @op

    Bruises realest post

    I know she diddy bop to Bomb

  • ·
    1 reply

    Tell me is my character a W or an L

  • Purrp 🌚
    1 reply

    Btw great presention with the smileys

    Classic post

    Also i think u lowkey already bagged girl, she told u as friends but had a great time and opened up about her dangerous views, she playing hard to grt

    I high key thought he was finna bag as the story went on and then


    Tell me is my character a W or an L

    You got an emote king


    Btw great presention with the smileys

    Classic post

    Also i think u lowkey already bagged girl, she told u as friends but had a great time and opened up about her dangerous views, she playing hard to grt

    Thanks fam

    Hard to get

  • Prez 💎

    My sopranos character is Phil Leotardo if no one has him yet

  • Purrp

    I high key thought he was finna bag as the story went on and then

    Though it was gonna end up with p**** and d***

    And it did but not in the way we wanted

  • Camille Golightly


  • Prez 💎

    No scraps in my scrapbook

  • Prez 💎

    Ambien hours

  • Camille Golightly

    @op @Extraterrestrial @ryder @sizz @Bruises @Kdogone @​YungPapi @Hndrxx_Free @​Uhhhhhh @KodakSpice @IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII

    Honorable Mentions

    @RVI as Hesh
    @Echiham as Artie Bucco
    @sab as Agent Harris


  • ·
    1 reply

    Kodak pegs you?

    Bmass is def not Ade no matter how much he glazes

    Bro said he gets to be Ralphie

    How tf I end up Carmella

    is being Ade not good?

  • Purrp 🌚
    1 reply
    Huge ET fan

    is being Ade not good?

    She a baddie but I can’t say more without spoilers

  • Purrp

    She a baddie but I can’t say more without spoilers

    I’ll have to watch it one day to find out

    I’ll just call myself a baddie for now

  • EchiJewel

    Story time with echi’s bizarre adventures 🚨🚨

    Aight angels so today i went out w violin grill again and man what a person!!

    So after we discussed time n place and i was like bet imma just rest a bit more before gettin ready and then an hour before we supposed to meet up girlie randomly goes like “i need to know are you looking for a new relationship?” Reading that out of the blue had me holde!!! So after deliberating on what to say back i told her im just looking to date and whateva happens we’ll see so then she told me she’s not rlly ready for a rel and just wanted to go out as friends. Already figured that was the case but ja she shed more clarity to it and i told her np!! And we still went out.

    As we are hanging out we start talking about music n all that and the whole time she talkin bout music im like i rlly like how passionate she sound bout di shi!!

    Then after a while we left the place and went for a ride cause she wanted to and i became passenger princess again As we are driving around we start talkin bit more personal stuff like fam/job/etc and im still into hearing her yap. Now at one point she goes like “u kno i feel like nowadays ppl have become more sensitive to most things to the point we even have ppl having self identity issues” hearing that made me go hm i see kinda hope it ain’t going where i hope

    And it did basically girlie turned the convo into a lecture about how shes cool w gays and lesbians (me too) but she doesn’t agree with trans people and thinks its more of a disability and tht it shouldn’t rlly be a thing. This kept goin for what felt like an hour and it was a bit hard to chime in my thoughts until a point and then i just started feeling exhausted about the convo cause i understood where she came from I just felt like there was not more to be said and wanted to talk about something more light hearted

    Towards the end of the outing it settled a bit and i told her tht she has quite a strong personality and jada jada and she dropped me off and said our gbyes

    TLDR; went out w girlie on some friend shi vibes were nice until it turned into a lecture about how she thinks trans thtsnormal among other weirdchamp things. Still down to hang out w her tho

    @Camille @Hndrxx_Free @YungPapi @​bmass

    this just gave me a confidence booster

    work crush isn’t THIS bad

  • thank you echi!

  • ·
    1 reply

    Big Joop absolutely crushing in a 2-on-1 Tug-o-War battle

  • ·
    1 reply

    Nah but fr why joop this big

    I remember when he was a small puppy