Btw great presention with the smileys
Classic post
Also i think u lowkey already bagged girl, she told u as friends but had a great time and opened up about her dangerous views, she playing hard to grt
dangerous views
@Hndrxx_Free joop is built like shaq
No fr why he so big
Imagine if he had the work ethic
@op @Extraterrestrial @ryder @sizz @Bruises @Kdogone @YungPapi @Hndrxx_Free @Uhhhhhh @KodakSpice @IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
Honorable Mentions
@RVI as Hesh
@Echiham as Artie Bucco
@sab as Agent Harris
Idk what any of this means but i hope im someone cool
Kodak pegs you?
Bmass is def not Ade no matter how much he glazes
Bro said he gets to be Ralphie
How tf I end up Carmella
Tell me is my character a W or an L
@Hndrxx_Free @op
Bruises realest post
I know she diddy bop to Bomb
Btw great presention with the smileys
Classic post
Also i think u lowkey already bagged girl, she told u as friends but had a great time and opened up about her dangerous views, she playing hard to grt
I high key thought he was finna bag as the story went on and then
Tell me is my character a W or an L
You got an emote king
Btw great presention with the smileys
Classic post
Also i think u lowkey already bagged girl, she told u as friends but had a great time and opened up about her dangerous views, she playing hard to grt
Thanks fam
Hard to get
My sopranos character is Phil Leotardo if no one has him yet
I high key thought he was finna bag as the story went on and then
Though it was gonna end up with p**** and d***
And it did but not in the way we wanted
No scraps in my scrapbook
Ambien hours
@op @Extraterrestrial @ryder @sizz @Bruises @Kdogone @YungPapi @Hndrxx_Free @Uhhhhhh @KodakSpice @IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
Honorable Mentions
@RVI as Hesh
@Echiham as Artie Bucco
@sab as Agent Harris
Kodak pegs you?
Bmass is def not Ade no matter how much he glazes
Bro said he gets to be Ralphie
How tf I end up Carmella
is being Ade not good?
is being Ade not good?
She a baddie but I can’t say more without spoilers
She a baddie but I can’t say more without spoilers
I’ll have to watch it one day to find out
I’ll just call myself a baddie for now
Story time with echi’s bizarre adventures 🚨🚨
Aight angels so today i went out w violin grill again and man what a person!!
So after we discussed time n place and i was like bet imma just rest a bit more before gettin ready and then an hour before we supposed to meet up girlie randomly goes like “i need to know are you looking for a new relationship?” Reading that out of the blue had me holde!!! So after deliberating on what to say back i told her im just looking to date and whateva happens we’ll see so then she told me she’s not rlly ready for a rel and just wanted to go out as friends. Already figured that was the case but ja she shed more clarity to it and i told her np!! And we still went out.
As we are hanging out we start talking about music n all that and the whole time she talkin bout music im like i rlly like how passionate she sound bout di shi!!
Then after a while we left the place and went for a ride cause she wanted to and i became passenger princess again As we are driving around we start talkin bit more personal stuff like fam/job/etc and im still into hearing her yap. Now at one point she goes like “u kno i feel like nowadays ppl have become more sensitive to most things to the point we even have ppl having self identity issues” hearing that made me go hm i see kinda hope it ain’t going where i hope
And it did basically girlie turned the convo into a lecture about how shes cool w gays and lesbians (me too) but she doesn’t agree with trans people and thinks its more of a disability and tht it shouldn’t rlly be a thing. This kept goin for what felt like an hour and it was a bit hard to chime in my thoughts until a point and then i just started feeling exhausted about the convo cause i understood where she came from I just felt like there was not more to be said and wanted to talk about something more light hearted
Towards the end of the outing it settled a bit and i told her tht she has quite a strong personality and jada jada and she dropped me off and said our gbyes
TLDR; went out w girlie on some friend shi vibes were nice until it turned into a lecture about how she thinks trans thtsnormal among other weirdchamp things. Still down to hang out w her tho
@Camille @Hndrxx_Free @YungPapi @bmass
this just gave me a confidence booster
work crush isn’t THIS bad
thank you echi!