this is me singing to @IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
Elon musk will create a COVID variant with the symptoms of cancer that only targets liberals
The cure will simply be to cry less
I just associate this song with the office now
i associate Closing Time by semisonic with the office
At least Simon and Garfunkel are still friends
feel like both of those guys should be dead by now but they're still alive it's crazy
Elon musk will create a COVID variant with the symptoms of cancer that only targets liberals
feel like both of those guys should be dead by now but they're still alive it's crazy
Their friendship keeps them holding on
Elon musk will create a COVID variant with the symptoms of cancer that only targets liberals
Saw this this week, crazy
feel like both of those guys should be dead by now but they're still alive it's crazy
Artie coded post
Saw this this week, crazy
elon was the poster boy for annoying liberals then realized he could be even richer if he stopped trying to appease college kids on twitter
boss move
they look like gay lions
Saw this this week, crazy
Sneak attack hes gonna put the first COVID cancer dose in cake pops
elon was the poster boy for annoying liberals then realized he could be even richer if he stopped trying to appease college kids on twitter
boss move
Its crazy how he’s wealthy enough to like
Stop climate change twice and still be rich
So f***ed man
Artie coded post
Oh gosh. Well, I should at least say the "sound of silence" clears that wretched "Disturbed" arrangement.
Sneak attack hes gonna put the first COVID cancer dose in cake pops
Cake pops are the most pointless invention
This was my favorite song at some point
! @Prez @KodakSpice @sizz Eminem sample
"gay lions"
they’re auditioning for The Lion King on broadway
Its crazy how he’s wealthy enough to like
Stop climate change twice and still be rich
So f***ed man
yeah but he could buy MAGA hats with the $ instead, think about how much cooler that is man
Cake pops are the most pointless invention
We had cake
They wanted it smaller
They made cupcakes
Then they wanted it even smaller
They made mini cup cakes
Still too big
Now we have single bites of cake on a stick
It's disgusting