Gonna fart at the gym
everyone was b****ing in the comments about shel saying she wished there weren't as many immigrants there
( in a previous video she said she didnt like that there were so many LATM immigrants there because she wanted to meet more Europeans)
we found ET's DS persona
we need vz users as DS teachers
In fact
Disgusting tbh
What’s worse farting on your own or in the middle of your ab circuit by accident
What’s worse farting on your own or in the middle of your ab circuit by accident
De hecho
What’s worse farting on your own or in the middle of your ab circuit by accident
How's life treating mate?
Inflation rate has ruined my life, but otherwise, I'm chilling.
My racist queen
I don’t read the DS comments usually. I can’t imagine it being an actually positive feature. There was one vid they were pissed at Michelle and tbh it was valid
She did a vid where strangers say if the last person was attractive. It was kinda in bad taste
I have watched that video, but I dont think I ever looked at the comments
NGL most of the time it's learners using broken ass spanish for no reason or saying some dumb s***
I only pay attention when I notice the DS crew commenting like Andres, Alma, etc.
I think it's hilarious that the person I know who is by far the most racist towards white people
Is a white guy
Inflation rate has ruined my life, but otherwise, I'm chilling.
Its ruined everyones good time, I agree
I think it's hilarious that the person I know who is by far the most racist towards white people
Is a white guy
facts he's like a south park character
I think it's hilarious that the person I know who is by far the most racist towards white people
Is a white guy
First and foremost, I'm not racist.
Secondly, yeah, you're right I'm white.