Every single kpop song I've heard has been the blandest thing of all time
I don’t think kpop Stan’s are real
Or they’re moreso invested in the completely manufactured personas rather than the music
This is 100% FP you can’t tell me different
Should I get into LOONA.
@Echiham Y/N?
Yeah I @ you like two weeks ago when he revealed her
Has like 5 vids with her on paetron I asked what you thought of her
I'm not on his patreon even though I understand all of his vids
might get it in a bit
did you watch this recent one? I'll be able to give a take (hopefully) after this one if she talks in it
You’ve never seen before?
He’s not American and barely watches movies
I don’t think kpop Stan’s are real
Or they’re moreso invested in the completely manufactured personas rather than the music
I know people that have decent taste like that new jeans group
But I tried listening to a couple songs and I really didn't get it
I don’t think kpop Stan’s are real
Or they’re moreso invested in the completely manufactured personas rather than the music
only kpop stans I know of are fetishizers or weebs of some sort
@YungPapi spanish boost has a new vid with his gf
wonder if i am at decent enough level to peep his videos but not yet actually did subscribe months ago but never watched one
I know people that have decent taste like that new jeans group
But I tried listening to a couple songs and I really didn't get it
I like their Atlanta bass-leaning tunes the most.
the s*** travis says about just needing some semblance of direction fir his life to go is the realest s*** ever and encapsulates every modern young person
I like their Atlanta bass-leaning tunes the most.
I don't care about your sub genre games buddy
Lowkey a genius writing choice. What else from old movies aged as well as that?
I'm not on his patreon even though I understand all of his vids
might get it in a bit
did you watch this recent one? I'll be able to give a take (hopefully) after this one if she talks in it
Nah haven’t seen it yet but she’s cool
Think she might be thick as f*** lowkey I can’t tell tho. They cute together
Every single kpop song I've heard has been the blandest thing of all time
have you ever heard Gee by Girls Generation
only kpop stans I know of are fetishizers or weebs of some sort
@Hndrxx_Free ex is a kpop stan
wonder if i am at decent enough level to peep his videos but not yet actually did subscribe months ago but never watched one
how many hours are you sitting at? I think around 200 is a good amount for stardew valley, or maybe ~170
Nah haven’t seen it yet but she’s cool
Think she might be thick as f*** lowkey I can’t tell tho. They cute together
I don't care about your sub genre games buddy
At night, I think of you;
I want to be your lady, maybe.
wonder if i am at decent enough level to peep his videos but not yet actually did subscribe months ago but never watched one
His vids are very very comprehensive tbh
The games might not be but he speaks clear asf
have you ever heard Gee by Girls Generation
Listening now