  • Mar 8
    1 reply

    pretty cool that he took a trip to texas to meet his students @YungPapi

  • Mar 8
    1 reply
    Camille Golightly

    writes itself

    Life is ai

  • Mar 8
    1 reply

    What game

    sweaty feet

  • Br00ses 🐣
    Mar 8
    1 reply

    i like that one

    maybe because its dusty

    i also tend to dislike a lot of the rapping i hear in k-pop songs and that one doesnt have rapping

    It's just fine like I said

    I guess my main issue is that like

    With most genres of music that people like attach themselves to and make part of their personality I can at least understand the appeal

    Metal, electronic, jazz, like I get it I don't enjoy most of it but I understand it

    With kpop like if it's a grown person and not a Korean teenager it just confuses me that someone would feel so in love with it

  • Purrp 🌚
    Mar 8
    3 replies
    Camille Golightly

    clean and fresh > sweaty/tired

    the smell/taste might seperate the real degens from someone like me

    I mean obvi not stinky

    But idk when I’m really into someone I like their pheromones so

  • internet buddy

    Life is ai

    Life is AI; AI is life.

  • Works both ways.

  • Mar 8
    2 replies

    I mean obvi not stinky

    But idk when I’m really into someone I like their pheromones so

    Ima dog

  • Purrp 🌚
    Mar 8
    1 reply
    Huge ET Fan

    pretty cool that he took a trip to texas to meet his students @YungPapi

    Did he? Didn’t peep the new vid or whatever vid he said that in

  • Mar 8
    1 reply

    I mean obvi not stinky

    But idk when I’m really into someone I like their pheromones so

  • Purrp 🌚
    Mar 8
    Huge ET Fan

    sweaty feet

    I’m talking out my ass

    If not doing a few things I dont know she just took a shower before I saw her

  • Mar 8
    1 reply

    Did he? Didn’t peep the new vid or whatever vid he said that in

    I only watched a minute to see how his gf was, but apparently yeah

  • Br00ses

    It's just fine like I said

    I guess my main issue is that like

    With most genres of music that people like attach themselves to and make part of their personality I can at least understand the appeal

    Metal, electronic, jazz, like I get it I don't enjoy most of it but I understand it

    With kpop like if it's a grown person and not a Korean teenager it just confuses me that someone would feel so in love with it

    K-pop is a lot of image and choreography along with the music

  • Mar 8
    1 reply
    Huge ET Fan

    I only watched a minute to see how his gf was, but apparently yeah

    first part of this sentence

  • Purrp 🌚
    Mar 8

    Ima dog

    Company - Drake. Travis Scott. Ghosty.

  • Mar 8
    1 reply

    Every single kpop song I've heard has been the blandest thing of all time

    What about those NewJeans Plugg remixes

  • rvi 🐸
    Mar 8
    2 replies

    Nice. Overall how do you like the method/ platform? Do you think you see any results from it so far?

    its p cool for sure

    yeah i think i can understand a decent amount honestly. i can tell if i keep doing it ill be able to get to a good level. I feel like right now my understanding is almost back to the level it was when i was at my peak Spanish from taking classes. (and probably better than ever with a lot of casual more everyday speaking)

    i feel like im going to be able to start reading relatively quickly tbh probably below what they suggest for # hours. (not soon though) i think because i am interested in the grammar and spelling, rules type stuff where a lot of people probably find it boring

  • Mar 8
    1 reply

    What about those NewJeans Plugg remixes

    Which NJZ plugg remixes.
    Please put me on.

  • Purrp 🌚
    Mar 8
    1 reply
    Camille Golightly

    When you know you know

    Like primal attraction I can’t describe it

  • Mar 8
    2 replies

    Every single kpop song I've heard has been the blandest thing of all time

    How about this?

  • Purrp 🌚
    Mar 8
    4 replies
    Camille Golightly

    first part of this sentence

    @IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII just like me

    I’m pissed I had to type that out letter for letter btw

  • Mar 8
    1 reply
    Pazuzu Artist

    Which NJZ plugg remixes.
    Please put me on.

  • Mar 8
    1 reply

    @IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII just like me

    I’m pissed I had to type that out letter for letter btw

    Yeah extra what the hell is with that new @ ?

  • Mar 8
    3 replies

    @IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII just like me

    I’m pissed I had to type that out letter for letter btw

    I have it pasted and saved as a Word document just in case.

  • Mar 8
    1 reply

    When you know you know

    Like primal attraction I can’t describe it

    horniness is crazy, one moment you're slurping their vaginal fluids and piss up the next moment you're thinking "wow i just did that" and completely normal