I have it pasted and saved as a Word document just in case.
u changing ur name with a bunch of IIII is top 3 worst gimmicks of all time itt alongside Nort the sock ngl
nort the sock
jesus schizo guy
Overproduced electronic pop was already perfected over a decade ago
Now that's real music
When I saw paramore live, it was like a unicorn sighting
It was like meeting santa
I couldn’t believe she was real
Nah I’m the same. Ik you can get to well I mean I’m at a good level with having only read a very small amount and nearing 1500 but I’m the type to want to know why things are where and why they are the way they are. Even when I read my ability to output via writing always shoots up shortly after
I’m plan on studying grammar after I finish my 1500. I think it’ll be very useful. Learning grammar after learning it vs learning it via grammar is very diff I think
I dont think grammar is something you should avoid forever
like even natives have to eventually study s*** in school
lowkey one of the worst things about the community is the aversion to do work after getting to a high level
When I saw paramore live, it was like a unicorn sighting
It was like meeting santa
I couldn’t believe she was real
Hayley's stage presence is underrated
not sure honestly
and the more i think about it the more im okay with my understanding being at a way higher level than my speaking, that is how ill realistically end up using the language
do you mean the accent thing as part of the way they say you shouldnt read yet until you have super strong grasp or language sounds or whatever
yes because you'd still be pronouncing the sounds in your head as you read and such, but I mean I dont think that's a bad thing as long as you can be understood
it just depends on your specific goals and what you care about
When I saw paramore live, it was like a unicorn sighting
It was like meeting santa
I couldn’t believe she was real
love this feeling
Hayley's stage presence is underrated
It was incredible
I watched her command the city of boston
Ong if she told that crowd to jump we wouldve asked how high
Hayley's stage presence is underrated
shes an amazing frontwoman
I mean obvi not stinky
But idk when I’m really into someone I like their pheromones so
Hence no deodorant
love this feeling
I’m normally not so fazed by stuff like that but just having loved her music so much since I was 10, it was just different
not sure honestly
and the more i think about it the more im okay with my understanding being at a way higher level than my speaking, that is how ill realistically end up using the language
do you mean the accent thing as part of the way they say you shouldnt read yet until you have super strong grasp or language sounds or whatever
A lot of people say it’s BS that part. Like you can have 6000 hours of input but if you haven’t spoke ever you’re gonna sound like s*** period it doesn’t matter
You’re gonna start off a novice regardless. Idk 600 ish is prob a decent place to start but one of the main DS community dudes has been doing it since like hour 300 and he’s fluent. Doesn’t sound amazing but he’s fluent
Overproduced electronic pop was already perfected over a decade ago
!https://youtu.be/i-gyZ35074k?si=AZ2Civ2GcmOF29iXAmerica abandoned this sound though
I’m normally not so fazed by stuff like that but just having loved her music so much since I was 10, it was just different
did you cry
Overproduced electronic pop was already perfected over a decade ago
!https://youtu.be/i-gyZ35074k?si=AZ2Civ2GcmOF29iXThis isn’t clarity
This isn’t clarity
Shut it dweeb
@Camille when my ex squirted in my face it tasted like piss and broke the illusion for me