thats my fav song on there ^.^
Yeah, well.. Nort.
One of my fav Sosa tapes.
yeah im waiting for the temp to #dropsomemore
Back from the Dead 2
Bang 2
Thot Breaker/Almighty So
It's harder to make music when you don't enjoy music as much anymore
Cus it's like u don't even know what to make
It's harder to make music when you don't enjoy music as much anymore
Cus it's like u don't even know what to make
do u ever have random musics u made in ur head pop up in ur head spontaneously
To be fair, the third installment of 'Back from the Dead' has been growing on me tremendously.
May just be in my top 5, as far as his mixtapes are concerned, tbh. @KodakSpice
do u ever have random musics u made in ur head pop up in ur head spontaneously
Like music that I've made before pop up in my head?
Or music that I haven't made yet
Like music that I've made before pop up in my head?
Or music that I haven't made yet
havent made yet
Hmmm, tough.
But then again.
There are two Almighty DP mixtapes (masterpieces) and Sorry 4 the Weight.
double penetration mixtapes
havent made yet
No I don't plan ahead for music at all really
Like sometimes I try to then I don't actually end up doing what I planned
I just do random stuff and 99% of the stuff I make is deleted and never shared or anything
double penetration mixtapes
I probably should listen to 'The W' more frequently.
do u only use this gimmick with me
No I don't plan ahead for music at all really
Like sometimes I try to then I don't actually end up doing what I planned
I just do random stuff and 99% of the stuff I make is deleted and never shared or anything
try it
In my opinion, yes
like who else do he do it wit.¿