Gunna always rapping about twats
game recognize game
all that extra work for what
Killin some wack s***
If I didn’t have adult responsibilities I could smoke everyday with no problems
just turned on the ac
Rosario Dawson is gorgeous
Jesus man
That is tragic
who want me
who want me
I want you (to attend the vz match tonight!)
big loser lol prez wants me
I want you (to attend the vz match tonight!)
i will try!
Wow I killed the thread that’s impressive
It dies every night around 10pm eastern. Apparently the west coast is not well represented in here
big loser lol prez wants me
u have serious reading comprehension deficiencies. gonna make another donation to the Ohio Illiteracy Foundation
u have serious reading comprehension deficiencies. gonna make another donation to the Ohio Illiteracy Foundation
blah blah blah i was right and you were wrong
points for nort
blah blah blah i was right and you were wrong
points for nort
bro cant handle being wrong
It dies every night around 10pm eastern. Apparently the west coast is not well represented in here
theory: people in california and the southwest USA don't tend to be message board weirdos like us. they get too much sunshine and warmth to spend their time huddled over their phones or computers having pointless debates with online strangers.
i was going to say whole west coast but PNW gets all the clouds and rain so they're one of us
theory: people in california and the southwest USA don't tend to be message board weirdos like us. they get too much sunshine and warmth to spend their time huddled over their phones or computers having pointless debates with online strangers.
i was going to say whole west coast but PNW gets all the clouds and rain so they're one of us
nah awful theory. mfs on the west coast can make six figures and still be "poverty". the craziest libtards too