  • Br00ses 🐣
    1 reply
    Camille Golightly

    that's bird box bird brain

    Cruel and for what

  • ·
    1 reply

    @ryder when u watch the news do u get sad with the stories and stuff they show? i feel like i could imagine u in tears

  • Br00ses

    Cruel and for what

    no one even like my post

  • Nort 💫

    anyways, the reverbed synth on Send It Up is f***ing astounding right now

  • Nort

    most of the comments in the video that me and et are discussing, point out how the dude outright says he doesn’t care about the root causes of crime and what facilitates it.

    which kinda tells you he’s only interested in making a certain narrative.

    very sad how thats how most people view it regardless

    Unless ET has been saying otherwise ofc


    Rainforrest Shmainforest
    Cartman joins NAMBLA
    The Return Of The Fellowship Of The Ring To The Two Towers
    South Park Is Gay
    Christian Rock Hard
    Good Times With Weapons
    Douche And Turd
    Make Love, Not Warcraft
    Le Petite Tourette

    @sizz Some of my personal favorite SP episodes ever, no particular order

    South Park is Gay

    Fire list I’m leaving work I’ll cook up a list when I get home

  • Hot take: I’m a Little Bit Country>>>>> Douche and Turd Sandwich


  • this ones for all my retards!


    Rainforrest Shmainforest
    Cartman joins NAMBLA
    The Return Of The Fellowship Of The Ring To The Two Towers
    South Park Is Gay
    Christian Rock Hard
    Good Times With Weapons
    Douche And Turd
    Make Love, Not Warcraft
    Le Petite Tourette

    @sizz Some of my personal favorite SP episodes ever, no particular order

    Awesome o is a classic

  • Nort

    most of the comments in the video that me and et are discussing, point out how the dude outright says he doesn’t care about the root causes of crime and what facilitates it.

    which kinda tells you he’s only interested in making a certain narrative.

    No because the root causes remain the same no matter what. They were talking about things that change.

  • Nort 💫
    3 replies
    Camille Golightly

    @ryder when u watch the news do u get sad with the stories and stuff they show? i feel like i could imagine u in tears

    recently, I took my first ever “wellness break” after some anti-trans laws were passed. but generally speaking im kinda desensitized to most things between my experience at fortnite, and my current job.

  • fuego 🔥
    2 replies

    recently, I took my first ever “wellness break” after some anti-trans laws were passed. but generally speaking im kinda desensitized to most things between my experience at fortnite, and my current job.

    your experience at what?

  • ·
    1 reply

    recently, I took my first ever “wellness break” after some anti-trans laws were passed. but generally speaking im kinda desensitized to most things between my experience at fortnite, and my current job.

    s*** crazy i can imagine u just shaking your head and being annoyed/ruined day

  • ·
    5 replies

    recently, I took my first ever “wellness break” after some anti-trans laws were passed. but generally speaking im kinda desensitized to most things between my experience at fortnite, and my current job.

    u say ur desensitized but u also claim ud thrive in prison... what happens when you see rape/murder in front of u in prison or worse ur a victim

  • Nort 💫
    1 reply

    your experience at what?

    Ive played some scary royals in my day, kid.

  • fuego

    your experience at what?

    Nort had a lot of kids do the toosie slide on his corpse dressed as bananas and it changed him

  • XCX Spice

    u say ur desensitized but u also claim ud thrive in prison... what happens when you see rape/murder in front of u in prison or worse ur a victim

    Prison Rape discourse in my vz planner thread

  • Nort 💫
    1 reply

    You’d think I survived normady with the stories I got

  • rvi 🐸
    1 reply
    XCX Spice

    u say ur desensitized but u also claim ud thrive in prison... what happens when you see rape/murder in front of u in prison or worse ur a victim

    quite the post here man

  • ·
    1 reply

    You’d think I survived normady with the stories I got



  • Nort 💫
    1 reply
    XCX Spice

    u say ur desensitized but u also claim ud thrive in prison... what happens when you see rape/murder in front of u in prison or worse ur a victim

    im chillin

  • Nort 💫
    XCX Spice



    its over

  • ·
    1 reply
    XCX Spice

    u say ur desensitized but u also claim ud thrive in prison... what happens when you see rape/murder in front of u in prison or worse ur a victim


  • Nort

    im chillin
