A lot of classics in there
Casa Bonita in particular 🔥 🔥
And what’s even crazier is they bought it irl and saved it from bankruptcy
So crazy how Matt and Trey are billionaires
Whats even crazier is now Nort has to kill them
I almost cant believe this is what they did for the first episode to introduce you to the characters
Cartman gets a*** probed by aliens and then kyles baby brother gets abducted by them after he kicks him through a school bus
2013 console wars multi part episode was when the show became truly washed for YEARS and still is tbh
I loved that s*** tbh I was also 12 tho
I almost cant believe this is what they did for the first episode to introduce you to the characters
Cartman gets a*** probed by aliens and then kyles baby brother gets abducted by them after he kicks him through a school bus
they made that episode for pirate bay as a joke and it became really famous online so they got a deal
I almost cant believe this is what they did for the first episode to introduce you to the characters
Cartman gets a*** probed by aliens and then kyles baby brother gets abducted by them after he kicks him through a school bus
very tame plot by south park standards
When do you think they fell off?
Season 11 I think was the end of their prime but Season 12-13 had multiple classic episodes.
I do but i just need to improve my speaking a bit more esp the grammar Understanding i can like 80%
You could probably start off watching intermediate or advanced stuff now
Or tbh you can just try watching regular shows / anime in Spanish if your comprehension is that high
I’ve watched some anime in Spanish but obviously some shows are easier than others
I think they jumped the shark with the mr garrison trump stuff
But I also didnt watch that season
I forgot abt that ngl
satan's sweet 16
south park homeless problem
old people driving and killing everyone
jesus santa iraq episode
the list episode
paris hilton
all classics
satan's sweet 16
south park homeless problem
old people driving and killing everyone
jesus santa iraq episode
the list episode
paris hilton
all classics
everything from 2000-2009 is a heater
satan's sweet 16
south park homeless problem
old people driving and killing everyone
jesus santa iraq episode
the list episode
paris hilton
all classics
Bro the list has the funniest f***ing thumbnail on Max
i never not enjoyed a south park season and can appreciate the new formula they put in place since Trumps first term
but a very good percentage of why is due to PC Principle
satan's sweet 16
south park homeless problem
old people driving and killing everyone
jesus santa iraq episode
the list episode
paris hilton
all classics
adopting butters as a pet
satan's sweet 16
south park homeless problem
old people driving and killing everyone
jesus santa iraq episode
the list episode
paris hilton
all classics
Paris hilton one has clsssic butters shenanigans man @ryder
Bro the list has the funniest f***ing thumbnail on Max
Paris hilton one has clsssic butters shenanigans man @ryder
Mr Slave power move at the end
Paris hilton one has clsssic butters shenanigans man @ryder
the dog killing itself is hilarious
satan's sweet 16
south park homeless problem
old people driving and killing everyone
jesus santa iraq episode
the list episode
paris hilton
all classics
Jesus Santa one gets slept on because of the Woodland Critters but that one is so damn funny
artist to taylor swift irl
just realized artie is mr slave
His f***ing face and pose
How detailed his arms are bro
jeeeesus christ
Jesus Christ saving Santa with an AK in Iraq is just too damn funny