“what’s his condition?”
“Um.. Retarded?”
You could probably start off watching intermediate or advanced stuff now
Or tbh you can just try watching regular shows / anime in Spanish if your comprehension is that high
I’ve watched some anime in Spanish but obviously some shows are easier than others
But are u just watching stuff? Or also taking in grammar rules n such cause tht’s what id want improvement on
HoWwWW SHoULd i KnoW IM RetARDed
I prefer the term metrosexual
Your name was Tolken the entire time??
south park actually going back to change all the subtitles from Token to Tolken throughout the entire series
But are u just watching stuff? Or also taking in grammar rules n such cause tht’s what id want improvement on
I think if you’re having trouble speaking in general, you should improve your vocabulary
If your issue is mainly using words in the correct order / tense but have a mastery over most topics
I would suggest studying alongside also watching more content to reinforce what sounds “correct”
I think if you’re having trouble speaking in general, you should improve your vocabulary
If your issue is mainly using words in the correct order / tense but have a mastery over most topics
I would suggest studying alongside also watching more content to reinforce what sounds “correct”
all this effort for echi to get ghosted
vote or die mf
vote or die mf
ya and thts when i will kms
Man like id give up being a swiftie for her
teenage fever?
Too drastic of a change
echi doing all this and she hasn't even proved she'd change plans around let alone drop a fav
again, careful.
Ik but im just in awe of this woman’s beauty
This is how Rembrandt must’ve felt when he painted The Night Watch
Man like id give up being a swiftie for her
this is excellent news. i think she's the one.
Ik but im just in awe of this woman’s beauty
This is how Rembrandt must’ve felt when he painted The Night Watch
tuneout isn't here to get the art references