I indeed am and it has caused many downfalls in me life!
buy L Theanine (or drink matcha tea green tea)
We didn't rlly speak much on music other than her asking me what I play. Would be surprised if she was. She just told me she likes to sing and dance
play her some peruvian huayno music and win her heart
I drink matcha from time to time.
matcha naturally has L Theanine in it which deletes anxiety
ima pop some rn
play her some peruvian huayno music and win her heart
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kO0j_XQIltc I will have to see how traditional she is.
matcha naturally has L Theanine in it which deletes anxiety
macha ain't cheap tho! But I don't think it's (always) anxiety related its also lack of self confidence
dotd @whoababy26 @fuego @CutiePieHole @IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII @ryder @Kdogone @Extraterrestrial @giancito @crakc @grave_party @Hndrxx_Free
im not rockin wit him rn
good song tho
macha ain't cheap tho! But I don't think it's (always) anxiety related its also lack of self confidence
you wont be thinking about ur lack of self confidence on the theanine haha
i buy l theanine pills off amazon
you wont be thinking about ur lack of self confidence on the theanine haha
i buy l theanine pills off amazon
i didnt feel anything from l theanine
dotd @whoababy26 @fuego @CutiePieHole @IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII @ryder @Kdogone @Extraterrestrial @giancito @crakc @grave_party @Hndrxx_Free
bruh im waiting for MUSIC
thats my fav song on wlr
that's gon come with a fee!
thats the goal
how u doin lately big @KodakSpice