It’s a great name
I mean, yeah, I agree with you on that.
Spunky Cowboy Blue Cheese
my weed tolerance keeps getting higher pun intendef
That's why they call it a gateway d***
Try heroin
my weed tolerance keeps getting higher pun intendef
You take me higheeer,
Higher than I've ever been, babe.
im scared ill like it too much
Don’t try heroin
2 pack of ass
Being a recovering addict must suck a lot. Best never find out
im scared ill like it too much
That doesn't even make sense
So what if you do?
It will kill you? You're gonna die anyway
You wanna have less joy and work daily for 40 years to maybe retire when you're 60 if you're lucky?
its not even that my weed tolerance is up. its just im always so fried i highkey get used to it
That doesn't even make sense
So what if you do?
It will kill you? You're gonna die anyway
You wanna have less joy and work daily for 40 years to maybe retire when you're 60 if you're lucky?
No zoomer is retiring before the age of 93 the way things are going
@YungPapi may be a nice young lady
No zoomer is retiring before the age of 93 the way things are going
Exactly so just do hard d**** if that's your reasoning
That doesn't even make sense
So what if you do?
It will kill you? You're gonna die anyway
You wanna have less joy and work daily for 40 years to maybe retire when you're 60 if you're lucky?
lol ima retire way b4 that