The swing
The swing
competing for my fav rn
its still pretty heat for me but its the most "just a beach house" album
i still put it over first 2 but its in the same tier as them lower than the rest probably
Devotion clears this hogwash by miles imo
Made a sexist joke (against men) today
The gyals loved it
Actual hearty laughs
Work milf said I’m her favorite (she is a manipulator and will probably steal my soul within the next 6 months)
competing for my fav rn
The last two songs are the best songs on the album
The last two songs are the best songs on the album
highly agree
like nothing new about em but they just got a bit more sauce
Devotion clears this hogwash by miles imo
Devotion still just feels slightly undercooked to me compared to everything after
wonder if the cover sucking so much ass affects my perception of it
didnt realize before but vocals and mood on last one remind me of lana del rey
first beach house album to not surpass the previous for me.. dam!
highly agree
like nothing new about em but they just got a bit more sauce
Peep lemon Glow next
But yeah we’re past the last low imo. All up from here
Peep lemon Glow next
But yeah we’re past the last low imo. All up from here
Devotion still just feels slightly undercooked to me compared to everything after
wonder if the cover sucking so much ass affects my perception of it
who told beach house abt mike dean
this is what i rated the beach house albums maybe 1 or even 2 could be a 4.5 instead but still
didnt realize before but vocals and mood on last one remind me of lana del rey
Far too interesting of a production (ironic) for her to be on
in that 90210 that 90210
shes a p***star girl Ooooo from the valley
this is what i rated the beach house albums maybe 1 or even 2 could be a 4.5 instead but still
Same problem I have, I find them all good so ranking is me just saying which album I like more than others I like
Tho after today I might flat put stars last
yeah 7 is gonna hit for me
Dive off of 7 sounds very similar to some classic act during the last 40 seconds
Who am I thinking of? @RVI
I can’t place who’s guitar’s im heading
now finally back to some real music...some MPB-inspired Italian progressive pop
word to @Prince
Dive off of 7 sounds very similar to some classic act during the last 40 seconds
Who am I thinking of? @RVI
I can’t place who’s guitar’s im heading
cant place it
dam it sounds fire right after lucky stars lol ngl
7’s first 7 8 tbh song run is one of their strongest stretches vibe wise