  • Br00ses 🐣
    1 reply

    are you gonna look him into his sad puppy eyes and deny him potty time?

    This isn't how things are supposed to go nort and you are guilt tripping me into upsetting the balance

  • Nort 💫
    2 replies

    This isn't how things are supposed to go nort and you are guilt tripping me into upsetting the balance

    when someone says something so puppyphobic that you hit them with the big joop stare

  • ·
    1 reply

    when someone says something so puppyphobic that you hit them with the big joop stare

    He looks so sweet omg

  • Nort 💫
    1 reply
    Beautiful Morning

    He looks so sweet omg

    Bruises has always hated him :((((

  • Nort

    Bruises has always hated him :((((

    They're just joshing around

  • Am tipsy atm

  • frenchpress

    if u dont cry for at least 10 mins of this 30 min video u are inhuman!

    Enormous facts

    Everytime i play thru this game i get emotional with it even last year when the HD version dropped

    You"ll be my living legacy

  • frenchpress

    this dork doesnt know the ending of crisis core @Hndrxx_Free laugh at bro!

    When he learns what happens to aerith

    Its over for him

  • Nort

    when someone says something so puppyphobic that you hit them with the big joop stare

    Large joop

  • frenchpress

    i forgot how ingrained ff7 was in my mind i played crisis core a decade and a half before i ever played ff7 watched advent children a lot back in the day too. had that s*** on PSP!
    it's the best series of games ever made

    Crisis Core such a classic man

    Legit must play after finishing FF7

  • Camille Golightly


    Insane how Alex Len the worst player there even with JJ Reddick old ass

  • Camille Golightly

    @Hndrxx_Free the entire lakers team is out besides reaves and gabe

    we might lose by 50

    5 point loss and everyone on the nuggets played

  • ·
    1 reply

    Ofc hndrxx creamed over this charge dem a fee song

    Normal ass future music

    Its goated

    Trim is SOTY btw

  • Purrp 🌚
    1 reply

    Its goated

    Trim is SOTY btw

    Vuelves a dormir

  • ·
    1 reply

    Vuelves a dormir

    Es hora de despertarse

    Ojala pudiera

  • Just listened to TRIM back to back to back

    Mis niveles de energia estan fuera de control hoy

  • Purrp 🌚
    1 reply

    Es hora de despertarse

    Ojala pudiera

    Que dios bendigas

  • ·
    1 reply

    Que dios bendigas

    Gracias hermano

    Igual tú, ten un buen dia. Comete el mundo

  • Purrp 🌚
    2 replies

    Gracias hermano

    Igual tú, ten un buen dia. Comete el mundo

    Estoy en el gimnasio ahora mismo

    Es la hora de los gains hermano!!!

    Los hombres de las islas hispano hablante son arriba

  • ·
    2 replies

    Estoy en el gimnasio ahora mismo

    Es la hora de los gains hermano!!!

    Los hombres de las islas hispano hablante son arriba

    u working out at 2am

  • Purrp 🌚
    1 reply

    u working out at 2am

    Eso es como yo gano mujeres

    Si tú quieres ser como mi get your weight up

  • Purrp

    Eso es como yo gano mujeres

    Si tú quieres ser como mi get your weight up


  • Purrp

    Estoy en el gimnasio ahora mismo

    Es la hora de los gains hermano!!!

    Los hombres de las islas hispano hablante son arriba

    Demasiado real bro

    Dale duro y nota esos musculos

    Factores muy muy grandes, los isleños estamos ganado tanto que hasta en china dicen "2025" en español

  • ·
    1 reply

    u working out at 2am

    Super super real thing from Purpp

    2 am, he the only one in the gym

    A dream come true

  • fuego 🔥
