That exists?
Damn Gloves so hard (like me!)
Yeah, it's a bonus track on the deluxe edition, it seems -- sort of at least.
Nort will make a joke because he doesnt respect my music taste and looks at it with condescency
W its only been one day
Early hated endless heavily lmao
Yeah, it's a bonus track on the deluxe edition, it seems -- sort of at least.
Sorry for posting him.
Sorry for posting him.
Needed it tbh.
There felt like 0 low end to the beats
bro its only been one day
Early (no pun intended, I swear) predictions/forecasts are always published by HDD after the first day of the album's availability.
Needed it tbh.
There felt like 0 low end to the beats
I mean, sorry for posting Kurrco.
More like Endless Interludes
More like Endless Interludes
great album tho
You were just asking for some change now you changed? @Cowboy
"MUSIC" listening session when, guys.
@early @Hndrxx_Free @Bruises @YungPapi @Echiham @Uhhhhhh @ryder @Prez bmass
No tag
endless is for mysterious contrarian hipsters to c***to
he does
but its not hate, u have seen me glazing carti
Future ๐ฅฐ
on the most respectful of notes
Endless wasnt even all that ngl
Endless was cool but blonde was a mega classic
W music
No tag
I hate to see how they treat you in here bro
this is crazy man
@Prez @Kdogone i think I will listen to me against the world today
Very appropriate given that yesterday was the 30 year anniversary of that album and today is the 10 year anniversary of 2 pac a butterfly
Very appropriate given that yesterday was the 30 year anniversary of that album and today is the 10 year anniversary of 2 pac a butterfly
Very appropriate given that yesterday was the 30 year anniversary of that album and today is the 10 year anniversary of 2 pac a butterfly
now I have to choose between 2 pac a butterfly and my favorite pac album