coffee shop girl, violin girl, model girl
surely one will land..
cake cake.... cake cake cake..
She said my music is a gift.
I honestly don't even kno myself cause unless I'm acoustic I genuinely thought we had a good time and she even told me that I hope we hang out more
Sometimes this s*** happens man. Had it happen to me a couple times with girls I really thought I was connecting well with, even one girl who planned like our 4th date then said "hey i dont think we want the same things".
Don't blame yourself, end of the day she just might not have been the one for you, and you'll find the right one eventually.
Good luck homie
I honestly don't even kno myself cause unless I'm acoustic I genuinely thought we had a good time and she even told me that I hope we hang out more
did she text you and cut it off
so sad.. he might c*y
He’s contemplating the big d*e
Sometimes this s*** happens man. Had it happen to me a couple times with girls I really thought I was connecting well with, even one girl who planned like our 4th date then said "hey i dont think we want the same things".
Don't blame yourself, end of the day she just might not have been the one for you, and you'll find the right one eventually.
Good luck homie
echi had 5 people itt telling him the same thing and he rejected all of our advice
this beat
@Echiham lock back in with transphobe and get that cookie
echi had 5 people itt telling him the same thing and he rejected all of our advice
oh ahaha, i didnt see any of that i just saw the post i quoted and i saw yall talking about him the other day
well, maybe one more poster saying it will help drill it in idfk lmfao, at least we tried
I honestly don't even kno myself cause unless I'm acoustic I genuinely thought we had a good time and she even told me that I hope we hang out more
Ima b real with you for real for real
B****es absolutely DESPISE nice guys
And you too nice
They want a man that treats them like s*** but in a friendly way
Those are the keys to life
did she text you and cut it off
even worse she just ghosted when I asked her out again hence the *ms tmr
even worse she just ghosted when I asked her out again hence the *ms tmr
even worse she just ghosted when I asked her out again hence the *ms tmr
Ima b real with you for real for real
B****es absolutely DESPISE nice guys
And you too nice
They want a man that treats them like s*** but in a friendly way
Those are the keys to life
i think its less about "nice" vs "bad" or whatever, but more about "the chase"
"nice" guys are usually the ones that bow down and will be incredibly flexible and do whatever the girl wants etc, and i think thats a turn off because 1. they want someone who is going to be real with them not put them on some imaginary pedastal and 2. everyone, boy or girl, enjoys the chase and the fleeting romance of a new relationship, its a thrill, being too nice/flexible takes that away
you kind of have to play in between, dont show all your cards at once, but dont be "mean"
Ima b real with you for real for real
B****es absolutely DESPISE nice guys
And you too nice
They want a man that treats them like s*** but in a friendly way
Those are the keys to life
ur right ET gonna make a playlist of a couple fresh n fit eps and learn
ur right ET gonna make a playlist of a couple fresh n fit eps and learn
watch the sopranos and start acting like tony @Extraterrestrial
Ima b real with you for real for real
B****es absolutely DESPISE nice guys
And you too nice
They want a man that treats them like s*** but in a friendly way
Those are the keys to life
Sucks that this is true for genuinely nice people
ur right ET gonna make a playlist of a couple fresh n fit eps and learn
Sucks that this is true for genuinely nice people
wesley face when he finds out legitimately nice girls/guys finish last everywhere in life
ur right ET gonna make a playlist of a couple fresh n fit eps and learn
I’m serious tho, you can’t act all desperate and s***, and you definitely can’t act impressed by her.
You gotta act like it’s all whatever to you and she just another notch .
wesley face when he finds out legitimately nice girls/guys finish last everywhere in life
I’m serious tho, you can’t act all desperate and s***, and you definitely can’t act impressed by her.
You gotta act like it’s all whatever to you and she just another notch .
Echi gives desperate here so I can’t imagine via his actual texts