fix you is actually crazy, that organ is just perfect
When you try your best but you don’t succeed
Is this new or
Uh no dude
fix you
I’m a Coldplay virgin lowkey
Hits my 7th heaven
Uh no dude
I never saw that
I’m a Coldplay virgin lowkey
That's just a Radiohead
Album listenings when?
You and Camille set it up I shall be there (preferably evenings est)
When you try your best but you don’t succeed
lights will guide you home
fix you is actually crazy, that organ is just perfect
I was playing it randomly one night on one of those station pianos in Amsterdam and a group of ppl came to see and sang along even got randomly paid for it after
lights will guide you home
That’s bastRd blundetto
I was playing it randomly one night on one of those station pianos in Amsterdam and a group of ppl came to see and sang along even got randomly paid for it after
the top comment on fix you is
"We have public pianos at the train stations in the Netherlands. A few years ago I was traveling at night, and a young man was playing this song on the station's broken piano, and I had time to kill so I went over and started to sing. Afterwards we had a short conversation and he started crying, he had just broken up with his girlfriend and was a bit overwhelmed that I would just come up and sing the song with him. I sat there with him for a while, missed my train but it was okay. We talked a bit about life and love and then we both went out separate ways. I think about him often, don't even remember his name, but I hope he's doing okay."
the top comment on fix you is
"We have public pianos at the train stations in the Netherlands. A few years ago I was traveling at night, and a young man was playing this song on the station's broken piano, and I had time to kill so I went over and started to sing. Afterwards we had a short conversation and he started crying, he had just broken up with his girlfriend and was a bit overwhelmed that I would just come up and sing the song with him. I sat there with him for a while, missed my train but it was okay. We talked a bit about life and love and then we both went out separate ways. I think about him often, don't even remember his name, but I hope he's doing okay."
Echi lore