not many public pianos here in LA but the few i have played nobody has ever given a s*** when i've casually played a chopin etude or mozart sonata lmfao
You gotta play some Coldplay
mozart reference
Odd future reference
I feel like 90% of people who listen to phoenix only know of the wolfgang album (including me)
Oh that album I linked it’s great add it to your list sometime
Don’t think I ever finished wolfgang tbh
Odd future reference
odd reference to make
Feel like its the same case for Foster The People. People only know Torches
pumped up kicks
Condomeyez sucking the joy out of any fun thread
He really might be the worst user on this site
Kanye can do absolutely no wrong in his eyes
Feel like its the same case for Foster The People. People only know Torches
Second album was dope
Could’ve played still dre or runaway and make millions of views on tiktok
missed camille opportunity
The Scientist is the one
i remember some bozo on here in a thread said it was a worse version of hey jude
Lol my brain thought y’all was talking about snowboy mb
They suck so much lmao
Oh that album I linked it’s great add it to your list sometime
Don’t think I ever finished wolfgang tbh
will do, have u finished this one?
i remember some bozo on here in a thread said it was a worse version of hey jude
It’s better then Hey Jude
pumped up kicks
classic song i'm afraid
will do, have u finished this one?
Yes a few times
pumped up kicks
Cage the elephant felt like a band that would only have one successful song
But then they ended up with having multiple multiplat singles
And that's interesting to me
pumped up kicks
School shooters love that one
Cage the elephant felt like a band that would only have one successful song
But then they ended up with having multiple multiplat singles
And that's interesting to me
I like the album with spiders on it
It’s better then Hey Jude
people would say this is a hot take even though hey jude is one of the weakest beatles hits
feeling like multiple Pablo’s rn