Soon to be Monday yeah
I guess
Like solitaire
Yeah but no nearly as repetitive
Less than 11 hours
Well no
Like 16 hours
Just make it too loud and be done with it
i dont like how resonate it is
I want to be stuck in a time loop where it’s always Saturday
I like small butts
and I can lie
killed chat with anti-fat butt posting
One of my fav vocal performances oat @Camille
The players compliment it perfectly as well
Nina Simone was one of my favorite vocalists ever. <3
Can you feel the my nipples??
Thugger would've probably lost -- knowing KTT2 at large -- but I'd like to be pleasantly surprised.
Hayley is probably the best emo pop band singer
She can actually sing sing not even just like powerful emo vocals
! has four octaves and 2 semitones.
movin them boulders
the top comment on fix you is
"We have public pianos at the train stations in the Netherlands. A few years ago I was traveling at night, and a young man was playing this song on the station's broken piano, and I had time to kill so I went over and started to sing. Afterwards we had a short conversation and he started crying, he had just broken up with his girlfriend and was a bit overwhelmed that I would just come up and sing the song with him. I sat there with him for a while, missed my train but it was okay. We talked a bit about life and love and then we both went out separate ways. I think about him often, don't even remember his name, but I hope he's doing okay."
back door back door
doing what echi does on a larger scale
Classic sample tbh
!'s discography is impeccable.
Such an incredible artist.
artie about to read 50 pages
Ban ET
Ban Artist until he learns to love himself
Ban Kodak
phoebe is 31 years old? insane, she acts like a 21 year old
gets better with each listen