need thread to name a song they like with a sound palette they find cool
like you just enjoy the sounds of it a lot
need thread to name a song they like with a sound palette they find cool
like you just enjoy the sounds of it a lot
need thread to name a song they like with a sound palette they find cool
like you just enjoy the sounds of it a lot
Tether by chvrches
oh ya good sounds here
Tether by chvrches
ok hol up
6ix9ine w the pedo s*** BUT THEN HE SNITCHED!
ppl r so retarded ong
I never liked him to be fair
Always thought he was obnoxious and seeing him go away was a great feeling
ok hol up
U gotta give it time to build up
I know u it's not immediately crazy so u will write it off
U gotta give it time to build up
I know u it's not immediately crazy so u will write it off
hru today
got workies
kinda f***ed up my sleep schedule last night
we ballin
need thread to name a song they like with a sound palette they find cool
like you just enjoy the sounds of it a lot
United In Grief
gated toms are always so nice
United In Grief
need to revisit but i remember unironically thinking it was radiohead-like
Good strat
need to revisit but i remember unironically thinking it was radiohead-like
VERY Radiohead like
gated toms are always so nice
I like it when the little high pitch vocal sound comes in
need thread to name a song they like with a sound palette they find cool
like you just enjoy the sounds of it a lot
You would like final fantasy 13 music
@ryder skip to :16
VERY Radiohead like
ohhh yeah most definitely
need to revisit but i remember unironically thinking it was radiohead-like
2 goated acts
drum samples here are nuts my goodness
thread likes reverb it seems