I didn’t stutter
Old Yeller that mf
everyone says he is a washed up loser who seeks attention
yet we still give him that attention each time
@frenchpress classic otw
we shall see
Might really be the best metal genre overall but it's hard to tell, def top 3 at least
Top5 texing Ye "I’m him"
F*** Kanye West fr
Genuinely hope he kills himself soon
Kanye doing the KTT Kendrick’s not outside music bait was Wesley’s breaking point
Kanye doing the KTT Kendrick’s not outside music bait was Wesley’s breaking point
srs question
would you buy a swatiska yeezy shirt just to own
Imagine if Ye says JID is mid 😱
Wes might actually be a national threat atp
@prince u fake af FUFN sound like a good ava max song
Kanye doing the KTT Kendrick’s not outside music bait was Wesley’s breaking point
Knew someone was gonna say this lmaoooo
He lost my faith in 2022 after the first Nazi s***
Him featuring his daughter on a song with Diddy made me realize he needs to be put down
kanye has never dissed eminem
real music
Funny cuz Em has a couple lines towards Ye that are definitely backhanded
Funny cuz Em has a couple lines towards Ye that are definitely backhanded
ye knows better
Imagine SGP Azelia & Ye in one room
i’m afraid any posts itt that can be read as possibly pro-kanye will be subjected to harsh wokescolding to the highest degree
this one is interesting
I fw the drums on it
bro improving in real time
i’m afraid any posts itt that can be read as possibly pro-kanye will be subjected to harsh wokescolding to the highest degree
ye knows better
Eminem white so he safe for now
Emphasis on for now