whos calling that s***?
fye sample
this site feels so washed these last few weeks idk
like completely done
maybe ur just getting old
maybe ur just getting old
maybe i should ram my s*** down your throat
Is over
this site feels so washed these last few weeks idk
like completely done
site is ass and real life is much preferable
only reason to come on is to talk to buds
Kanye been on like a month and a half long rant
Shut the f*** up already Jesus
this site feels so washed these last few weeks idk
like completely done
Realistically the site gonna get shut down eventually and we’re gonna move to Discord
site is ass and real life is much preferable
only reason to come on is to talk to buds
Is music discussion in real life better than KTT outside of planner thread?
This virus ass link
site is ass and real life is much preferable
only reason to come on is to talk to buds
same 5 users in every music sxn thread/new thread posting the same 10 f***ing takes
This virus ass link
This virus ass link
Real for this project
Realistically the site gonna get shut down eventually and we’re gonna move to Discord
no moderation on discord will make arguments insane
Seeing this redacted rizz gives me hope. The hoes really going for anything. I’m throwing myself back in the ring
Seeing this redacted rizz gives me hope. The hoes really going for anything. I’m throwing myself back in the ring
stonks on the rise
no moderation on discord will make arguments insane
Nort has it set up poorly. I’m a mod on there but I can’t do s***
My other discord has actual moderation ability lmao
My coworkers do s*** like brush their teeth at work. Huh? do you not have a home?
@Bruises this sufjan song vocally/ and sonically kinda reminds me of Radiohead tbh
Well no because he is a lot cooler