Jajaja nunca en mi vida
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Didn’t feel this one as much…
this one hurt apple bro...
drunk n hot girls beat is like flashing lights part 2
Is this praise?
Crank is nice
ok we bak
Who here drinks alcohol? Just curious
I stopped smoking and started drinking more
not even mad at it
s*** is perfect
Kendrick had 3 feats and not even all 3 combined amount to this
Jajaja nunca en mi vida
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Tengo una pregunta, ¿te gustan las películas?
good song, mos def bridge is top 3 moment on graduation
The rah rah rah that’s how the f*** yiu sound is top 3 for me
I stopped smoking and started drinking more
Definitely can’t relate but if it makes you happy, that’s what matters
i remember a girl at a party years ago when i was like 20-21 was saying to me randomly "man you need to smoke weed with me, it'd be such a vibe" and she was so persistent with it i just flatout told her "you need to shut the f*** up unless you're addressed" and then she was silent
like dude i told u 5-6x completely regularly and gave u reasons why i have no interest
Tengo una pregunta, ¿te gustan las películas?
Por supuesto, que lo que?
I remember him posting a picture of him passed tf out on the bed with the back of his head facing the camera
Definitely can’t relate but if it makes you happy, that’s what matters
I don’t drink like I smoked
And the funny thing is, he’s still on Music
He coproduced Backdoor
So he really just doing of this hating for nothing
So, he co-produced 'BACKD00R,' after all?