What song from Music should I play at my upcoming birthday party aside from Evil Jordan?
that’s 100% fake lmao
Id be Frank ocean so my fans would praise me for scamming them and selling them random crap
bmass cock rings
need that
Id be Frank ocean so my fans would praise me for scamming them and selling them random crap
@Ryder would be your biggest fan
I can strongly recommend Columbus if you like beautiful shots and dialogue movies
I’ve heard of this
There so many good choices thats the problem
you like that song?
The movie it’s by a dope director
u peeped Decision to Leave from him?
i watched a ton of Korean movies in February, the directing in that one was so goated
@Extraterrestrial @Kdogone @prez yall fw
play the hole album
I could but I like variety tbh
Type S***
Evil Jordan
already got spots
bmass cock rings
need that
I would just sell molds of it too so my fans can f*** themselves
I could but I like variety tbh
Type S***
Evil Jordan
already got spots
type s*** my favorite song oat
I would just sell molds of it too so my fans can f*** themselves
I would just sell molds of it too so my fans can f*** themselves
High art
Double entendre s*** @KodakSpice
u peeped Decision to Leave from him?
i watched a ton of Korean movies in February, the directing in that one was so goated
Decision to Leave was amazing man
Ending had me so f***ed up
I could but I like variety tbh
Type S***
Evil Jordan
already got spots
play Sky
It was my most played song on Apple Music last year
it's very good. I love it to bits
You might like the three colours trilogy
Decision to Leave was amazing man
Ending had me so f***ed up
some of the shots were crazy in that movie and also it was so nice to see smartphones actually portrayed really well in a movie, lot of times i find it corny af when they text in movies and s*** like that