Back to having some s***ty Spanish in my dreams
Impressing my friends knowing less basic words like escupir
El futuro es brillante
proud of you bro
Im really glad you made the plunge fr
proud of you bro
Im really glad you made the plunge fr
making steady 45 min daily progress
siento el poder
i remember my ex asked me one time if i'd cheat on her with a celeb
completely demented
My dumbass saying who it would be every time
bookmarking that pokimane vid for CI @YungPapi
You h**** hoeny…
Music theory enthusiast & pianist Camille - added to my list
You h**** hoeny…
Dreaming French isnt on DS timing yet
ending droney synth is f\*\*\*ing god tier
ending droney synth is f\*\*\*ing god tier
did yall do the session? if so did you peep the song Alien along with it
did yall do the session? if so did you peep the song Alien along with it
We did do the session but i forgot about alien lmao I have it saved
Nort said he’s between 7 and DC as the best rn. 7 went up my rank I think it’s top 3 now
My dumbass saying who it would be every time
Music theory enthusiast & pianist Camille - added to my list
We did do the session but i forgot about alien lmao I have it saved
Nort said he’s between 7 and DC as the best rn. 7 went up my rank I think it’s top 3 now
7 chads unite
Upon further inspection of the shirt they were right I could’ve ironed it a bit I don’t deserve girlie
Only death awaits me now
why does artie get super defensive when u call him gay but ignores u if u call him hetero
bookmarking that pokimane vid for CI @YungPapi
What poki vid
the future that awaits you
! ! BACKD00R !