haven’t heard
havent planned to either
he broke my heart.
That’s a fine one to start with it’s just if you aren’t used to what he’s going for you may be like ??
But if I had a choice In the Mood for love or Chungking
I'll download them and set up my plex server soon
haven’t heard
havent planned to either
he broke my heart.
Have you considered
Listening to it anyway
happy birthday
ad hominem
Hate to see my buddies itt still posturing by pretending to be deeply offended by the shock value statements of an extremely mentally ill man
Have you considered
Listening to it anyway
idk maybe
im going to a cabin right now so i plan on listening to For Emma
ad hominem
Hate to see my buddies itt still posturing by pretending to be deeply offended by the shock value statements of an extremely mentally ill man
No that's exactly what u r doing
U don't actually have a deep emotional reaction to the things Kanye says and if u do u need therapy as much as him
But other than that how r u buddy nort
Did u ever listen to any more Sufjan
i need therapy tbf
Yea me too I'm just talking crap
Yea me too I'm just talking crap
vz is like AA
i will not explain
Yea me too I'm just talking crap
s***posting so people dont get onto your missing therapy >>>>> I respect it
No that's exactly what u r doing
U don't actually have a deep emotional reaction to the things Kanye says and if u do u need therapy as much as him
hasty generalization fallacy maybe
But other than that how r u buddy nort
Did u ever listen to any more Sufjan
nuhuh not yet
hasty generalization fallacy maybe
Tell this to the doctor buddy
nuhuh not yet
idk maybe
im going to a cabin right now so i plan on listening to For Emma
cant rn
gf turn to drive and she got a true crime podcast on
cant rn
gf turn to drive and she got a true crime podcast on
It's good cabin music
You being a large sufjan fan is hilarious tbh
You’re more of a liberal than me and nort