charly and spinetta are amazing fr
spinetta being in almendra and pescado rabioso is so insane to me
he also got Invisible which is equally good Spinetta also got Spinetta Jade and Spinetta y los Socios del Desierto which i havent heard yet
and Charly got Sui Generis, La Máquina de Hacer Pájaros, Serú Girán
@Hndrxx_Free ngl I forgot we were gonna do a listening
he also got Invisible which is equally good Spinetta also got Spinetta Jade and Spinetta y los Socios del Desierto which i havent heard yet
and Charly got Sui Generis, La Máquina de Hacer Pájaros, Serú Girán
flexing on me
I was just pointing out what was surprising for me to find out
flexing on me
I was just pointing out what was surprising for me to find out
simply sharing the joy of musics with my fellow spanish enjoyer
ngl for some reason I kinda dont like Spinetta's voice that much sometimes, when i got into him heavy years ago I felt like I liked his stuff more than i do recently. maybe i just got Charlypilled so hard
howre u never on the site but always an @ away
mysterious user
Nort is unemployed
Et is old
Kodak is a masturbation addict
I just care about the vz posts
You could have said something nice about me but you chose not to. Food for thought.
Et should all get us a job as his buffons
We entertain him itt while he is at work
I deserve a 2k a month at least for that
DEI is over
You could have said something nice about me but you chose not to. Food for thought.
i think it says more about u that u find being old a negative thing
@Extraterrestrial how much more suckin do I have to do to become your secretary
i think it says more about u that u find being old a negative thing
I don’t consider myself old. 45 is the new 20.
I don’t consider myself old. 45 is the new 20.
Much success to Kodak
I mean I am to you, but you’re dust to a 17 year old. It’s all relative.
unc status
unc status
Nothing you can do that I can’t but plenty I can do that you can’t yfm
Nothing you can do that I can’t but plenty I can do that you can’t yfm
idk about that
You could have said something nice about me but you chose not to. Food for thought.
I am evil