c-m in my -ss
getting my life back on track!
So no movie?
That bisexual vampire rlly put 2024 on streaming
Why are you in school and going gray
Wassup y'all, I'm listening to some Chester French.
What y'all up to?
meadows bf seeing the two dudes in the truck @Camille @Extraterrestrial
donnie... da f*** you doin??
donnie... da f*** you doin??
I got us two tickets to the Kennedy Center.. you and me!
I got us two tickets to the Kennedy Center.. you and me!
meadow yelling about the f***ing suitcase
Cena/Cody>Punk/Seth/Roman so far
@Camille @Echiham
i agree, the cody/cena feud will be interesting we only have 1 more cena appearance before mania and 4 raws left
Cena/Cody>Punk/Seth/Roman so far
@Camille @Echiham
The former feud is the only one i gaf for
The former feud is the only one i gaf for
roman being shoehorned into seth/punk is bullshit
it's thrown off the chemistry
Seeing that promo made me go watch the rock/cena one as well last night and man
I still believe cena should’ve beat rock at mania
Seeing that promo made me go watch the rock/cena one as well last night and man
I still believe cena should’ve beat rock at mania
I think that maybe stone cold should have won
I think that maybe stone cold should have won
Ya or that
Seeing that promo made me go watch the rock/cena one as well last night and man
I still believe cena should’ve beat rock at mania
they had cena lose because he was going to turn heel after that mania but vince pulled the plug shortly after and decided to just run rock cena back again
they had cena lose because he was going to turn heel after that mania but vince pulled the plug shortly after and decided to just run rock cena back again
Cena should have suplexed a make a wish kid to announce his heel turn
Cena should have suplexed a make a wish kid to announce his heel turn
cena might get his eye poked out on the kid's drip
dust of the day @xxxkiraxxx @prince @camille @ryder @SwilloLoubeaux @crakc @grave_party @CutiePieHole
Listening to Dirty Diana by Michael Jackson