I’d kill for a AM vs strokes
That should happen and idk why it hasn’t happened yet
About 5 years ago my family went to visit my sister in LA. One day while we were there I got roped into watching my nephew in a hair salon while my sister got her hair done.
So I'm sitting in the salon lobby, bored as f***, watching my nephew and who walks in but Drizzy f***ing Drake.
At first I was kind nervous and freaked out, I'd just kinda glance at him every now and then, trying not to freak him out. But then my f***ing nephew starts crying and fidgeting and s*** and won't shut up. So I'm trying to keep my nephew quiet and not bother Drake, when oops, too late, he gets up and walks over to us.
He just smiled and stroked his hair, and asked me what was wrong. I said I didn't know. Then he looked at me with those penetrating brown eyes and simply said in that soothing voice "He seems like he's hungry."
Then he lifted up his shirt and breastfed my nephew right there in the salon lobby.
True story.
I like her but I’m very very far away from stanning atm
I don’t stan anyone tbh
Damn I love arctic monkeys
It's gonna be a tough match for sure. Arctic Monkeys have the numbers here