Miss you every day, buddy.
Jet Fuel is hitting harder than it ever did before today for some reasons. Still can't believe we lost him....
jet fuel vid made me go back into a mac miller spiral
I didn’t know about this this is so dope man
mac's cover songs>>>>>
I like the anniversary swimming drop, some cool bits. think people are getting a bit hung up on wanting unreleased music to drop with this. but with that said I dont see myself buying the actual swimming record they dropped. nothing new besides packaging, its nice but not worth the money imo. I like everything else tho, the NPR vinyl looks good.
noice, looks like a nice one to own tbh
I’m glad I copped it I played it yesterday it is super dope
For those who missed out on the NPR Tiny Desk vinyl
What do y'all think of balloonerism
Thanks for reminding me to listen to this
I really need to because I LOOOOOVE Faces
Thanks for reminding me to listen to this
I really need to because I LOOOOOVE Faces
It's good s*** esp if you like faces
NEW LEAK: 2004