Happy birthday, Mac!
that line in completely transparent "Listen, this might be your last chance" just hit me like a ton of bricks
Took me back to when this first leaked right after the DUI.
Think this song might be the one that hits me the most still. by the last verse its kinda painful to get through it.
Came to the conclusion Trouble is a great stream of consciousness style break up song. it goes from I'm not dealing with your s*** to please wait for me to get my s*** together to you a b**** lol. Relationships ending are complicated and full of conflicting emotions. song kinda captures it really well
If I recall correctly the beat for 'The Real Name Is Yet To Reveal Its Self' is actually playing in the background of this episode in this scene where the screenshot is seen. little easter egg from mac I guess.
wonder how far he got with Delusional Thomas Disc 2, Adventures of Super Weirdo & MALCOLM.
We only got 1 for sure super weirdo track, think maybe unhappy was for it too. Nothing's leaked for Delusional Thomas 2 tho. The Self titled project is interesting
Safe to say there were some songs in these playlists even if unfinished considering we got the your shoes are untied EP.
Cudi talks about mac
“Everybody Gets A Prize” OG leaked a few days ago. Just a couple extra lines on the second verse and a outro of him speaking
Cudi talks about mac
wonder what the song was that Mac wanted Cudi on and what era its from.
Shame we wont get a cudi verse on it but can respect he doesn't want to do it now he's passed
“Everybody Gets A Prize” OG leaked a few days ago. Just a couple extra lines on the second verse and a outro of him speaking
good look, i missed this one.
Assuming this is the original version? was defo worth changing that lyric in the second verse but I like the outro on this version better then the song just cutting out.
Also think having Everybody Gets A Prize means we have all the songs that were on the original cut for WMWTSO before he cut it down.
Know 'Life' was originally supposed to be the track before Youforia on the original tracklist.
fair amount of the lyrics on the second verse on this version of everybody gets a prize are different
Don’t know if anyone heard this snippet, super grail vibes. Mac demarco released his version of the song dedicated to Mac miller. krakenfiles.com/view/RWvhDBNxXJ/file.html
Don’t know if anyone heard this snippet, super grail vibes. Mac demarco released his version of the song dedicated to Mac miller. https://krakenfiles.com/view/RWvhDBNxXJ/file.html
not sure thats actually the heart to heart instrumental a lot of people have been saying. sounds a bit different, think its just a lot of people assuming it is because both sound like generic sounding mac demarco beats lol (love heart to heart btw)
would be cool to have this tho, always wondered if they recorded anything so this is a nice surprise.
Thoughts creep through so uninvited
I swear I know what to do,
For some reason I wanna fight it
The best sounds too similar, just a stripped down version of heart to heart. But in case anyone wants this tracker Link I’ll post it up. Has links to all the songs/snippets out as of now. docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1M1HWhiJ99jK_2biCNeqIeHplAU7lP_THfItOlf0lOc4/htmlview