Think mine is 100% complete now and everything in order of release.
Not bothering with pre-kids music tho.
LMFAO. Real bro
I know we've talked about it so many times before but a sir Michael rocks Collab tape would have been fire in ANY era of Mac's music
Their chemistry was unbelievable, i listen to what do you do like everyday
Just 4 days before
Dawg when I get my PC back ima NEED the entire loosie comp y’all flexing about. I don’t think I’ve even heard everything
Facts need this
Think mine is 100% complete now and everything in order of release.
Not bothering with pre-kids music tho.
Help fam out
I still prefer Swimming but the deluxe tracks made me re-listen to Circles and I appreciate it far more now than before.
me too man i made it a priority to keep up with every mac leak
must be is also a great recent one, as is submarines
I think most of his leaks are seriously album material.. still waiting for Pink Slime
I still prefer Swimming but the deluxe tracks made me re-listen to Circles and I appreciate it far more now than before.
Wow a deluxe Swimming would be phenomenal
Think mine is 100% complete now and everything in order of release.
Not bothering with pre-kids music tho.
Mac fam in here should make a comprehensive list we can keep for archiving purposes. We’ve gotten a ton and i’ve missed a bunch myself and had to go back through. As times goes on people are gonna need a collected place to look for them i feel like. If we have the privilege of hearing them i feel like it’s our responsibility to archive them as best we can.
Came here to discuss this. Bruh. What a f***ing tribute man