i have no idea what any of this means but i took a quiz and got infj
Here’s a good write up of what an INFJ appears like:
INFJ stands for
Introverted - preference for focusing on the internal world over the external
iNtuition - preference for the unknown over the known
Feeling - preference for ethics/emotion over logic/detached thinking
Judging - preference for closure and stability over openness and chaos
I did the two Mbti Tests, also did the 16 personalities one and got Entp-A. Had Thinking and Feeling at 60-40 which was interesting, maybe that ties into those other three result typings on the last test? Cause idk what the other three mean lol. Was fun to do ngl, haven't done one in ages.
Sharing results with Satan, The Joker and Mans not hot. Interesting bunch of characters to say the least lol
You’re likely ENTP but you answered high on Fi (introverted feeling) for an ENTP, who usually have very little preference for it and much more for Ti (Introverted Thinking) instead
The difference between Fi and Ti is basically that Ti personally judges situations from a detached standpoint (example: “the song is good because it’s not longer than 4 minutes and it has good variety etc.”) vs Fi which is from a more personally attached standpoint (example: “the song is good because it speaks about Authenticity which is a value that represents me”)
ENTPs would typically never say anything like the 2nd example because they tend to be very detached in how they view things
Add Enneagram to the mix.
INTP 6w5 sp/sx, but there's a possibility I'm an 5w6.
Some fellow black INTPs are Huey Newton & possibly Jada Pinkett Smith, I don't think there's any more examples lmao
Gonna take the socionics test but I need a good reference book about socionics since I won't know what the results mean lol.
I used to be intj everytime but i am now apparently INFP
Got IEI on the second test
I got this
I took the long test on a sociotype.com site just now and got this instead lol
What is the truth
Based on the function results this reads more like ENTP over INTP tbh but INTP definitely possible especially because the drastic preference of Ti over Te
I used to think about me getting typed as INTP vs ENTP back when I took the test for the 1st time. But I think it's definitely INTP because I restore my energy by being alone as opposed to by being around people, which is more typical of people who have qualities commonly associated with extravertedness.