  • PIMP 💿
    Nov 2, 2022
    1 reply

    F***ing around with Ableton Note

    It's interesting to say the least

  • Nov 3, 2022
    2 replies
  • Nov 4, 2022

    Three of my most recent works.

  • Nov 4, 2022
    1 reply

    F***ing around with Ableton Note

    It's interesting to say the least

    Always blows my mind how intuitive Ableton is, especially with the Push. Prolly the goat DAW & I don't even use it

  • PIMP 💿
    Nov 4, 2022

    Always blows my mind how intuitive Ableton is, especially with the Push. Prolly the goat DAW & I don't even use it

    Yeah it tries to help u as much as it can

    I like that

  • Nov 4, 2022

    Love the niche you've carved out here. I absolutely love that first one, that's my favorite of the three

  • Nov 4, 2022
    1 reply

    hey ya'll. Here's my socials/music are. To sum up my sound think 808s + Beethoven (I am guy who went to classical conservatory and also been making beats since I was teenager

    Any recommendations for free VST's that best approximate orchestral sounds? I'm working on a beat right now and I want to add some quick notes from a violin section to it, but the plugin I'm using (DSK Strings) doesn't seem to have great distinction between the notes.

  • Nov 4, 2022
    1 reply

    ayo I just started producing. can anyone tell me his fav drum kits for:
    90s rnb/neo soul
    boom bap

    I already know bout r/drumkits tho I'm just asking for specific suggestions :)

    For boom bap I love Cookin' Soul's Lo-Bap drum kits

  • Nov 5, 2022
    1 reply

    Any recommendations for free VST's that best approximate orchestral sounds? I'm working on a beat right now and I want to add some quick notes from a violin section to it, but the plugin I'm using (DSK Strings) doesn't seem to have great distinction between the notes.

    So as far as FREE VST's that sound good, there are not many. Surprisingly Logic's built in strings + brass actually sound the best imo and have relatively good articulation control. They only have for example Staccato/Spiccato/Legato for violins, but all sounds pretty on the level. Nonetheless if you wanna hit the REAL stuff (and the stuff I use to realize my compositions in the computer) EastWest's Orchestra samples are where its at. They have a composer cloud you can pay monthly for to access all that stuff and the Hollywood Orchestra stuff is really creme de la creme of orchestral samples. You'll need an external drive to store all of it its rather big, but I highly recommend if you are serious about having high quality orchestral sounds in your library

  • Nov 5, 2022

    For boom bap I love Cookin' Soul's Lo-Bap drum kits

    thx <3

  • Nov 6, 2022
    1 reply

    So as far as FREE VST's that sound good, there are not many. Surprisingly Logic's built in strings + brass actually sound the best imo and have relatively good articulation control. They only have for example Staccato/Spiccato/Legato for violins, but all sounds pretty on the level. Nonetheless if you wanna hit the REAL stuff (and the stuff I use to realize my compositions in the computer) EastWest's Orchestra samples are where its at. They have a composer cloud you can pay monthly for to access all that stuff and the Hollywood Orchestra stuff is really creme de la creme of orchestral samples. You'll need an external drive to store all of it its rather big, but I highly recommend if you are serious about having high quality orchestral sounds in your library

    Aw man, thank you so much, I really appreciate it. Definitely don’t mind paying if it’s top notch quality, I got inspired listening to your Robocop remix highkey

  • xxxkiraxxx

    ayo I just started producing. can anyone tell me his fav drum kits for:
    90s rnb/neo soul
    boom bap

    I already know bout r/drumkits tho I'm just asking for specific suggestions :)

    my best advice is something 9th wonder said on u stream back in the day.

    producers get all these drumkits and sounds and plan to use em but never do. ninth said he picks around 10 sounds that he like for each type of percussion that he likes and just uses those.

    so if suggest get as many free kits as possible and take the time to sort through em,make beats with em and figure out which drums you actually like.

  • Nov 11, 2022

    is it going to make a difference if i master the exported .wav or would i have better results mastering the project file itself?

  • Nov 12, 2022

    Some SOULFUL Sounds for the OG plugin Lounge Lizard EP-4!

  • Nov 13, 2022

    Aw man, thank you so much, I really appreciate it. Definitely don’t mind paying if it’s top notch quality, I got inspired listening to your Robocop remix highkey

    Ey thank you bro. That Robocop arrangement hopefully will serve as a template for the kind of sound my original music will sound like.

  • Nov 18, 2022

    anybody fw a****z.d******d or similar sites?

  • Nov 22, 2022

    ayo did anybody peep this?
    This man been carrying Reggaeton for years now

  • Nov 23, 2022
    1 reply

    Learned some fundamental things about music theory like chord progressions, inversions etc in the last few weeks. I‘m mainly a sample based producer tho and just wanted to be able to play some melodies and chord progressions over samples. How deep should I dive into theory? I know that Timbo and Kanye don’t know a lot about music theory but they got a whole team of piano players and guitarists behind them. What do y‘all think? @Sir_Swagalot

  • Nov 24, 2022

    Learned some fundamental things about music theory like chord progressions, inversions etc in the last few weeks. I‘m mainly a sample based producer tho and just wanted to be able to play some melodies and chord progressions over samples. How deep should I dive into theory? I know that Timbo and Kanye don’t know a lot about music theory but they got a whole team of piano players and guitarists behind them. What do y‘all think? @Sir_Swagalot

    imma be honest with you, i barely know anything about theory. ik the basics and what not, but outside of that nah.

    i would definitely recommend looking up scales (it helps me with guitar and piano), as well as ear practice. i can name major and minor chords in an instant, and i did so by repeatedly listening to music while playing an instrument at the same time

  • Nov 24, 2022

    in some ways i’m happy that i never dived deep into theory, sometimes i’m not. it all depends tbh

  • proper 🔩
    Nov 26, 2022

    some s*** i made in 2016

    listen first one and then second one right after