  • Dec 6, 2019

    How do y’all EQ yalls 808s? I usually cut the highs on mine and add some compression and a lil distortion drone time to time. Sometimes they hit hard sometimes they don’t, trying to find consistency

    I cut the highs out add dat sausage fattener, with compression when needed.

  • flavrboy

    Drip drip


  • Dec 6, 2019

    one tip i got for anyone starting out. dont focus on mixing bro. it just hinders progress regarding real songwriting and creativity. in my experience an amazingly structured and made song 9/10 times mixes itself. worry about the actual song

  • Dec 6, 2019
    1 reply

    where do you guys get soundbanks for vsts?

    mostly need banks for omnisphere, serum and nexus

  • Dec 6, 2019

    How do y’all EQ yalls 808s? I usually cut the highs on mine and add some compression and a lil distortion drone time to time. Sometimes they hit hard sometimes they don’t, trying to find consistency

    i usually cut everything below 30, generally because it makes them sound much cleaner imo. and depending if I want the melody to shine on the beat I would cut all the highs to the low mids, but if I wanted the 808 to be the main focus I’d usually just leave it the way it is.

  • Dec 6, 2019

    lil WIP

    man this s*** sounds bad on clyp

  • Dec 6, 2019

    How do y’all EQ yalls 808s? I usually cut the highs on mine and add some compression and a lil distortion drone time to time. Sometimes they hit hard sometimes they don’t, trying to find consistency

    tiny bit of distortion sometimes if needed. usually I dont do anything to 808s tho

    808 TIP 4 NOOBS: When layering kick and bass, have the 808 be .02 seconds delayed so it has more room. For FL users, use the fine time shift nob on channel settings

  • Dec 8, 2019

    where do you guys get soundbanks for vsts?

    mostly need banks for omnisphere, serum and nexus

    i find the dopest stuff at, alot of omnisphere banks and other kits. is another place where i find alot dope stuff

  • Dec 8, 2019

    Anyone got an extra auto tune efx laying around?

  • Dec 8, 2019

    How do y’all EQ yalls 808s? I usually cut the highs on mine and add some compression and a lil distortion drone time to time. Sometimes they hit hard sometimes they don’t, trying to find consistency

    depends upon the sample and the rest of the sounds in the song

  • Dec 8, 2019
    1 reply

    Any dope outlets online to find artists/ to connect with? (Aside from ktts)

  • Dec 9, 2019

    How do y’all EQ yalls 808s? I usually cut the highs on mine and add some compression and a lil distortion drone time to time. Sometimes they hit hard sometimes they don’t, trying to find consistency

    I dont EQ my 808s

    I usually just turn that s*** up and it smacks

  • Dec 9, 2019
    1 reply


  • Dec 9, 2019

    Any dope outlets online to find artists/ to connect with? (Aside from ktts)

    IG/YouTube. Don't neglect showing up to events and meeting other producers, musicians or artists. Look offline and online

  • Dec 9, 2019
    1 reply


    S***'s fire man, great use of sidechaining. Went up and down your SC and you've got great melodies and basslines

  • Dec 9, 2019
    Moody mann

    S***'s fire man, great use of sidechaining. Went up and down your SC and you've got great melodies and basslines

    Thanks man and thanks for checking out the rest too

  • Dec 10, 2019

    Anyone wanting to co produce something I'm down. Here is one of my songs.

  • Dec 14, 2019
    1 reply

    How to Save Fruity Loops From Glitchen ...?

  • PorkTownMyspace

    How to Save Fruity Loops From Glitchen ...?

    if you got a cracked one s*** bruh don't run too many vst or effects on it and bounce to stem to save your computer proccessing.

    outside of that s***

  • But Like Its Saved on Standard flp ..

  • Dec 14, 2019
    2 replies

    Can You Plug Broken Flies into a New Fl With Standard Plugins or ...

  • PorkTownMyspace

    Can You Plug Broken Flies into a New Fl With Standard Plugins or ...

    broken like how. if you could open the flp I'd export it's project bones and project data files.

    or check if you have autosave turned on.

    you migh'tve lost a beat

  • PorkTownMyspace

    Can You Plug Broken Flies into a New Fl With Standard Plugins or ...

    broken like how. if you could open the flp I'd export it's project bones and project data files.

    or check if you have autosave turned on.

    you migh'tve lost a beat

  • Play ='s Beep Its The live load ...?

  • Dec 14, 2019

    Looking to buy a drum pad, was thinking the MPD 218 - anyone use it before?