I'll give you the sauce. I use Logic Pro and I have this plugin called Tal Uno X that I used for the synth sound, but in reality you can do this with any synth plugin that lets you arpeggiate the sound.
I set the arpeggiation of the synth chords to around 10, near the max setting. That's what gives the synth that quick up and down feel.
Then I use this free plugin which I highly recommend called Acon Digital Multiply. It gives your sound a chorus effect. I used the preset Honky Tonk which is a very popular sound you hear in like Sza's work for example. It makes the sound really thick.
Then I compressed it.
Then I put a phaser on the synth because if you f*** around with phasers on synths, they can make it sound more like a human voice.
Then I put an Amp on the synth to give it a lo fi effect.
That's about it.
What do you mean "cut itself"?
Like ADSR shape? Take down the sustain and tweak the decay.
I ♥️ alchemy as a sampler and know it reasonably well, feel free to drop my questions.
To keep the notes from overlapping. Does setting it to retrigger and having only once voice do that?
To keep the notes from overlapping. Does setting it to retrigger and having only once voice do that?
If anyone needs samples, I create them. I'll give 2 free guitar samples away the next few people that reply if you want it.
If anyone needs samples, I create them. I'll give 2 free guitar samples away the next few people that reply if you want it.
seeeend bro
On The Path of Getting Sampled Sued ..
happened to me by ambre's producers a few years ago. i had a r&b beat that got 50k views and they found it demanding that i pay them. even though i didnt make a dime.
happened to me by ambre's producers a few years ago. i had a r&b beat that got 50k views and they found it demanding that i pay them. even though i didnt make a dime.
Should've Spoke out While Cleaning the Droor ..
Should've Spoke out While Cleaning the Droor ..
what? maybe i misunderstood you. i thought you were saying someone's suing you for sampling their music.
what? maybe i misunderstood you. i thought you were saying someone's suing you for sampling their music.
Nahh Alot on the Sample List Pretty Werrry ..
Nahh Alot on the Sample List Pretty Werrry ..
man i have no clue what you're saying
Looking to produce for some peeps pls quote I just wanna create s***
Follow me on ig @j0nvilla
my producer youtube channel
not gon say my beats fire or brag bout them, but they different.
just cooked this up
lil preview