reposting this again sorry
Question: how y’all organize drum folders?
I have folders for types of beats the drums compliment each other in but I feel I could go further. I have so many rn
Question: how y’all organize drum folders?
I have folders for types of beats the drums compliment each other in but I feel I could go further. I have so many rn
aint no organizing lmao
Question: how y’all organize drum folders?
I have folders for types of beats the drums compliment each other in but I feel I could go further. I have so many rn
my sample folder is like half a terabyte so there is no organization except for what the drumkits folder came in as
6 minutes of beauty
just changed it a bit (mostly the bassline)
Yo what do you use for mastering?
Yo what do you use for mastering?
its not mastered or mixed at all
but when i do master
izotope ozone
its not mastered or mixed at all
but when i do master
izotope ozone
Damn I guess that's just Ableton doing its thing
Damn I guess that's just Ableton doing its thing
I can only imagine how much better it will sound once it’s all done
Question: how y’all organize drum folders?
I have folders for types of beats the drums compliment each other in but I feel I could go further. I have so many rn
i have a folder with every kit I ever downloaded lmao. i just remember where certain sounds are, s*** would take forever to organize.
yall ever make a crazy fire track and you just like "damn im really able to make s*** like this"
i be makin s*** that i couldn't recreate if i wanted to. vibe that day just be crazy and i f*** around and get possessed or some s***
yall ever make a crazy fire track and you just like "damn im really able to make s*** like this"
i be makin s*** that i couldn't recreate if i wanted to. vibe that day just be crazy and i f*** around and get possessed or some s***
enter the flow state and just make amazing s*** and then forget how I made it
yall ever make a crazy fire track and you just like "damn im really able to make s*** like this"
i be makin s*** that i couldn't recreate if i wanted to. vibe that day just be crazy and i f*** around and get possessed or some s***
the best f***ing feeing
yall ever make a crazy fire track and you just like "damn im really able to make s*** like this"
i be makin s*** that i couldn't recreate if i wanted to. vibe that day just be crazy and i f*** around and get possessed or some s***
its like you enter a trance that s*** crazy
Question: how y’all organize drum folders?
I have folders for types of beats the drums compliment each other in but I feel I could go further. I have so many rn
go through your folders, make a sampler instrument with all the kicks you like. Same with snares, claps, and hihats.
Now just flick through the sampler instrument if your kick doesn't work.
I have all my breaks disorganized as f*** but I just know them by name lol
yall ever make a crazy fire track and you just like "damn im really able to make s*** like this"
i be makin s*** that i couldn't recreate if i wanted to. vibe that day just be crazy and i f*** around and get possessed or some s***
I find this happens when I spend less time working on music
if I have an idea when I walk in my flow is on point trap
go through your folders, make a sampler instrument with all the kicks you like. Same with snares, claps, and hihats.
Now just flick through the sampler instrument if your kick doesn't work.
I have all my breaks disorganized as f*** but I just know them by name lol
aye you a god for this tip bro.
aye you a god for this tip bro.
you're. It makes me realize that I don't need more samples 90% of the time as well
ADSR shaping in a sampler and pitching drums makes shaping the hits much easier too imo