Sunday ticket>>>> league pass
Copped it on my cable ill never not have it again
Cable in 2020?! We using iptv bro
Funniest part is he doesn’t even know what he said wrong lol
Our brother is lost and confused
So coloured people cant be racist to each other? Lmao wtf
No they don’t have the power, prejudice? Yes
called Russ a monkey
called me a C00n
Show me at any time I did either of those things bro Lol
Non college educated white males need to be purged from society
called Russ a monkey
called me a C00n
You’re out of your cotton picking mind if u thought stealth said that
Show me at any time I did either of those things bro Lol
didn’t even mention the cracker posts!
You’re out of your cotton picking mind if u thought stealth said that
You’re out of your cotton picking mind if u thought stealth said that
aight now ur actually outta here